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Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 15 – Queensland

Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 15 – Queensland

Welcome to the ruins of the last Alice game. Run forward and take the steam vent across the gap. The Chesire Cat tells you that the Red Queen is but a part of her former self but there needs to be more peace between Alice and the Red Queen.

Navigate the path ahead carefully and enjoy the voice echoing around you. When you reach the big round platform you have some Insidious Ruins to fight. After the battle a Bounce mushroom will appear. First head to the left though, toward the steam vent poking up. Take it across to find a bottle there. Take it up. As you cross the first segment of the bridge, look to the left, and you will see a Snout poking out of a floating piece of rock. On that rock rests a memory for Alice to collect. Return to the main path and keep going forward. There is another Bounce Mushroom that will appear so take it upwards. You will be in front of a giant red heart gate, head on in.

Inside a new enemy makes it appearance, a Card Guard. You must kill these thoroughly: knock them down then smash them. The Hobby Horse is the best weapon overall it would seem, but others can be used too.

Head over to the right and use Shrink Sense. You will find a pair of hidden platforms. When you land on the ledge after the second, look to the left and you will see a keyhole and a Snout. Pepper the snout to make a ledge appear under the keyhole so you can get to it. Through there you will find a picnic basket. Collect any of the teeth in the nearby area and return  to the main path.

Head up the ramp to meet an old friend who tells you he will show you the meaning of sacrifice. Oblige him by cutting through him. Go through the now open corridor and to the door that will open for you. Head all the way forward to find a portrait of the Red Queen. To the left of it you will find a memory for Alice. Collect it then look along the right-hand side of the floor you are on. There is a pressure plate. Step on it and drop a Clockwork Bomb. Two platforms will appear that you need to cross this gap. Cross it and go through the symbol doorway. Immediately turn around and look upwards. There is a snout there. Pepper it and a hidden door will open through which you will find a memory. Return to the room that had the snout now. There are two points you can smash the floor, one in the back left and one more toward the front on the right. In the back left one you will find a bottle. In the one more toward the front you will find a corridor. Down it is a Bounce Mushroom that you want to take upwards. Pull the chain in this room to open the passage down the other side of the main path. Return to the part with the Red Queen's Portrait.

Take the raising and lower platform to the steam vent and continue along this path. Before you drop down, after you see the pillar topple, head to the left and take the ledge a short ways. You will see a breakable wall in front of you. Use the Teapot to smash through it and collect the bottle on the other side. If you want more teeth, drop down below and take the steam vent from there, otherwise, simply make the jump from there to the corridor you see in front of you.

In the next room you have a number more card guards to fight. Defeat them and the Executioner appears. Do not try to fight him as he will kill you! Run around the room until Alice talks to herself and the Chesire Cat gives a response. Now head for the door that just opened to the right of where the Executioner appeared. The doors close behind you but this only slows him briefly. Run forward, dodging as needed, then shrink down and run through the first keyhole the camera focuses on. You are safe for the moment.

In this room, head to the left first and smash through the globes. Look at the floor to the right and you will see a part you can smash through. In it is a memory, collect it then head to the main part of the room. Head forward and smash through the walls in front of you, both of them. You emerge into a courtyard of sorts. Drop down and pull the chain that you can see that is nearby where the Chesire Cat may appear. Steam vents will drop down. Take them across the gap. When you land more card guards and some Insidious Ruins will appear. Dispatch them quickly. The Executioner will jump over a wall, driving his scythe into the ground, sucking you in.

Behind you will find a Bottle. Grab it then move forward. The Executioner is hunting you again, swinging its scythe all over. Simply run/dodge forward to stay ahead of death. You pass through the gateway and a portcullis will slam down behind you. More Card Guards and Insidious Ruins will appear and the Executioner will shortly smash through the gate. Dodge him and try to make him hit his allies. When all the Card Guards and Ruins are gone some thorns will melt away giving you an escape from the Executioner. Run for it so that you might be saved by a very heavy and thick door. The Chesire Cat will offer some advice as you run here so keep an eye open for his icon.

Once you are “safe”, it is time to start platforming. Jump onto the nearby Diamond platform and drop a Clockwork Bomb on it then return to the ledge you just came from. Now jump onto the Club platform that is nearby onto the second Diamond platform to reach the square one in front of you. Some Insidious Ruins will appear and attack you. Kill them and cross over to the next platform. There are two club platforms set up much like the Diamonds you just dealt with. First though, cross over and get to the top of the platform between them. Use Shrink Sense and look around to find a hidden moving platform. Take that all the way down the violet to find a snout. Pepper it to reveal a picnic basket. Collect the basket then jump onto the Club platform and drop a Clockwork Bomb on it. Quickly go up central platform and swiftly cross the gap using the raised Club platform. There is a Card Guard waiting for you on it so keep an eye out for it to appear. Dispatch him then jump onto the nearby steam vent. From there, float over to the Heart platforms in front of you. Again, quickly drop a Clockwork Bomb on the one you land on. Hop to the left onto solid ground then use the one that raised up to the reach the higher ledge with a level on it. Pull the level to open the door nearby. Before you head from the door, hop onto the nearby Heart platform and drop a Clockwork Bomb on it. Now, look above the other Heart platform and you will see a section of wall you can smash with the Teapot. Fire a grenade at it and rush through it. Inside you will find a memory waiting for you. Collect it then head through the door you have opened.

Inside this room, you must complete a simple puzzle. While Chess themed it thankfully does not enforce all the rules on you. Move your piece one space to the left, then all the way forward and finally one to the right. This takes exactly 6 moves, the limit. Next, move forward 3 spaces, then left one to complete the second puzzle easily. This opens the door to the next room.

Here, a portcullis drops and you can hear a Snout nearby. Look up and to the left to find it. Pepper it to open the door on the left side of the room. Inside are some teeth and a memory. Collect them then head up the stairs at the far end of the main room. Move forward but you will soon be running as the Executioner finds you again. Now dash and dodge your way forward and you will fall down a hole. Once things level out, use Shrink sense to find a hidden keyhole in the all behind a heart. Go through it to claim the memory that lies under the breakable floor. Now, as you move forward, use Shrink Sense to find a note for a bottle. Smash the wall nearby it to find the bottle. Just ab it more forward and you find another breakable wall. Go through it and up the short staircase on the right.

As you enter the new room the door will close behind you. Alice is now introduced to a new enemy, the Armored Card Guards. These fellows wield heavy weapons and can only be hurt from behind by hitting the red heart on their backs. Dodge behind them as they swing so you can hit them as they recover from their swing. After the first one falls more Card Guards will appear with another Armored Card Guard. Defeat them and a briar wall will melt away. Head through this new opening. Time for another area of tricky platforming.

First, look up and to the left to find a Snout planted on the wall. Pepper it to open up a hidden doorway above. Step onto the Spade platform in front of you and wait until it starts to drop. Now jump over to the next platform with the Bounce Mushroom. Take that up to the next Spade platform. Jump on it a few time to stop it from sinking. When it reaches full height jump to the revealed section and shrink down. A hidden keyhole will show itself and inside it rest a memory. Collect this and jump down to the nearby platform. Now look carefully above the diamond platform below you to the right. You will see a breakable wall that you can fire the Teapot at. Break it open and quickly jump through the hole before the platform has much a chance to sink. Collect the bottle that is inside it and smash the globes for teeth. Now hop back onto the Diamond platform and drop a Clockwork Bomb on it. Swiftly jump off it onto the nearby rock platform and onto the second Diamond platform then up to the next ledge. Once more we have the scale platforms, done in Clubs. Step onto the first and quickly drop a Clockwork Bomb. Wait a moment for the second to rise then jump on it, hopping if needed to let it continue upwards. Hop onto the rock above and be reach for a fight. There are some Card Guards, an Armored Card Guard and some Floating Ruins. Now, jump across the gap to the newly available rock ledge. Scale it to reach the lever on top that you must smash free of crystallized ruin. Pull it to open the gate and portcullis at the end of this area. Move through it and they will close behind you.

Jump forward and aim for the platform in front of you. A Bounce Mushroom will appear and launch you upwards. From there head through the doorway into the next room. More Card Guards appear as well as the Executioner. Kill the Guards that get in your way but steer clear of the Executioner. Once all the guards are defeated the Executioner will create another portal below you and send you somewhere.