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Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 14 – London and Cardsland

Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 14 – London and the Cardbridge

Your are in the Gaol. Time to simply head forward through the door and down the stairs towards outside. As you near the door you will see the White Cat again dart out to the left. Follow it something happens to Alice and London is put at an angle. Head forward then up the new slope. Just keep moving forward and you are once again taken to Wonderland with a tumble.

You land safely on some cards. Head forward to find the rest of the path leading to a steam vent (again, look at the cards and you will see just how it works). Hop into it and jump forward. Follow the path along the fives to the aces and onto the set of fives. Keep along this path until you find a moving two of clubs. Use Shrink sense and you will find some hidden platforms. There are a number of teeth to be found here as well as a Bottle. Grab all that then return to the card and keep to the slow descent on the cards to the left. This leads to some bouncing cards as well as a slide of cards. Aim for the platform that forms below you. Land on it and head to the card castle you have seen since you got here.

Head on through and head to the left, there is a break in the wall that leads to a smaller area in this part. Explore it to find a Bottle and through the small opening with a memory. After that it is time to figure out how you reach that far door you need to go through. At the far end of this area, there are three segments of interest, the left, center and right. The left and right both have pressure plates you can trip while the center gives you an opening to get through all of this. Use Shrink Sense to reveal briefly the hidden platforms you need to use to cross this gap. The switch on the left lowers an invisible platform while the one on the right opens the door on the far side. What you will want to do is head to the left, drop a Clockwork Bomb on it, run to the right, step on that pressure plate then return to the center. Hop onto the invisible platform in front of you, using Shrink Sense, and detonate the Clockwork Bomb. Now quickly cross the platforms and get through that far door. Likely you will need to shrink to get through the door, just do not stop as you cross this gap any longer than needed.

You will pass through the rest of the card castle and back onto some card pathways. Run forward and when you step onto the card backs you will be launched. Aim for the cards ahead of you and the first set will fall away but a second will form below you and catch you. Head to the one two sticking out and head down this path. You will again be launched by a card back. Aim for the tower of cards and float over there. Now go right and take the card path that forms. Take the steam vent ahead of you up and step on the pressure plate. Use Shrink Sense to see the platforms you need to take across the gap. When  the closest one has raised up, drop a Clockwork Bomb on the pressure plate. The pressure plate summons some cards making you next jump a bit easier. Head over to it and take it up, move along the platforms and time your movement onto the second moving platform well. If the cards fall away, wait for the platform to be at its height then jump over, floating as needed, otherwise its an easy jump. Before you cross over, go to the left edge and use Shrink Sense. You will find an invisible Snout you can pepper that will let you reach the bottle that is close by. After that, drop a Clockwork Bomb on the Pressure Plate and make the long jump over to the card towers that form. Run forward and do not stop until you are on the queen cards. Jump off them and toward the next card. It will move but another will come and catch you. Keep going forward on the path. It will become a slide into a launcher. Go slightly to the right and you will find your next landing area. Move forward and a Launch Mushroom will appear. Take that up.

This leads to a slide, again, no right path. Keep moving forward, slowing if you need to. Collect all the teeth you can. At the end you want to jump carefully into the fog to reach a broken bridge. This is the gateway to Queensland.