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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 4 – Visiting the L.I.M.B. Clinic and the Police stage

Deus Ex Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 4 – Visiting the L.I.M.B. Clinic and the Police stage

Head outside the building go forward a while. You will see a single golden marker. This is the one you want to follow. Head forward, down the stairs and to the right. You will easily find your way over to the LIMB clinic from there. Head inside and talk with your doctor to open up the LIMB Shop properly. You can come here to restock on the offered items, which include 2 Praxis Kits, when you need to for a fair price. When you exit the building, look to the left for a ladder. Take it up and you will encounter a nearby level 4 door. Use the pass code you found near Sarif to get it, “8982”, to open it. Head through, turning right and go out the window. With the Icarus Landing System simply fall but if you are without keep close to the building and drop onto the air conditioner. Now explore the roof of this building and look for a vent. Inside it you will find a Sniper Rifle, Pocket Secretary and ammo. If you want to sell it then just head forward into the and drop into the Gas Station. There is a merchant there who is willing to help you.

Now head for the police station. Take a little time to “visit” there. Do not go in, instead, head to the left and jump over the sheet metal fence there. You need the Jump Enhancement to make it which is recommended for most builds. Use the nearby Dumpster with a running start makes this jump easier. Search the nearby dead body for a pocket secretary with a very useful pass code on it. This is more for the west most apartment building in Brooklyn Court: The Surgical Chop Shop.

An Alternate Route:
Go to the left of the Police Station and jump the fence there. Head forward then jump and climb the nearby fire escape ladder. Take it up and go through the door on the roof to gain access to the Police Station. This starts you on the third floor which has its uses.

The Secret Route
Hardly this games lacks in variety. You ca also gain access to the Police Station from the Sewers. Here you will want to start from the entrance of Central Station closest to the Police Station. GO down the stairs and take the first left you can. Drop down into the manhole you will see ahead of you (for expediency, this will be kept to just getting to the body). Head forward in the sewers, past all the punks, and go to the right when you can. These will not attack you if you keep moving but linger and they will. Keep on that side and you will find a ladder leading up into the Police Station Basement.

Depending on how you want to handle the Police you can either go with this, through the ground door, or over the fence just to the left. Going through the door you need to get permission from your “friend” Wayne Haas who is working the desk on your way over to the door. Before you start talking to him SAVE! This conversation can vary greatly. For those with the CASIE augmentation you will have a pheromone option in the second round of conversation. Either way, Haas is an Omega Personality type so you can pressure him. For those without your best choices are: Absolve, Plead, Absolve and Plead. Use that as a guide to start things off with him but follow your own instincts to a degree and you can get through as well. That gives you a good chance to get in but it does not ensure your entry.

Police Station Floor 1
From the front of the station there is a lot you can find and collect. You cannot linger very long so you must be quick regardless of what you are doing. From  the first door turn left and go into the nearby men's restroom. Look in the second stall on the floor to find a Pocket Secretary with a pass code on it for Melanie Frezell. Head out and to the right, going into the second door. You must hack this level 2 security door quickly to avoid drawing attention to yourself if you did not collect the Pocket Secretary from the Men's Bathroom. Inside this room you will find a 10mm pistol in the desk, a credit chip tucked in with some magazines on the desk. A machine pistol and ammo are on the left left side of the room hidden behind the back left book case. Another pocket secretary with user name and password, “patriotism” for the armory are sitting on the bookcase. Hack into her computer to learn a few more access codes like the access code to Penn's Office, “2419” as well as the code for the security grid which is “7668”. After that you will want to make for the break room that is next to the staircase. Inside on the desk opposite the door is a pocket secretary with a code for Berndard Gum's office, “2231”. The stair well beside this room leads up to floor 2, but there is still a little more to collect down here. Head into the main area with all the officers and computers. Look at the first desk on the right to find some combat rifle ammo in the drawer. It is very risky hacking a computer as the Police will quickly catch on even if you came in peacefully through the front door. Go diagonally left to the next desk and look in its drawer to find some credits. Now check the back right desk for revolver ammo in the drawer. For a little extra, look around the back left of the room to find a stun gun dart on the table there.

Now head through the nearby door. From here you can easily find the stair well leading down to the morgue.

Police Station Basement
Once down here, just go straight ahead. If you are being stealth, hug the wall to avoid the camera, but unlikely if you have been following this particular path. Go to the left first and access the laser grid panel that is by the door. Just interact with it to ensure the laser grid is offline. Head into the room and start sweeping to the left. You will find a lot of 10mm pistols here, an energy bar, combat rifle ammo and a reload speed upgrade. You will find the sewer passage just beyond this room. If you are coming up, you will need to hack the laser security panel just next to the grid itself. Keep around the corner so the camera will not see you. From this room you can get to the Holding Cells (and more weapons and ammo) and to the morgue itself where your story objective lies. If you investigate the Holding Cells you will find an Officer's office and inside a concussive grenade in the desk and a tactical shotgun  in the back right behind the desk. After that, head over to the morgue. To the right of the first operating table you can find a Hypostim sitting on the table there. A cut scene will trigger and you can get the neural hub easily enough. Be sure to look at the table next to the corpse to grab a Nuke virus. Head over to the mortician's office so you can first look at the eBook on the desk then collect the credit chip on the desk and the Nuke Virus in the far drawer.

Police Station Floor 2
Head to the right and go around the corner and through the first door on the left. Head in to find the office leading into the armory. If you did all the poking around on floor 1 you will have free access to all the goodies inside the armory. This includes a P.E.P.S. and ammo, Combat Rifle and Shotgun with ammo as well as two upgrades, one rate of fire and one damage. Exit the armory and go straight ahead. You can quickly hack into the next door on the left. Inside you will find a Pocket Secretary somewhat hidden in the back left among the binders. Search the office to find a shotgun on the left side of the office between the book cases, a credit chip in the desk drawer and shotgun cartridges. If you hack into computer. You will learn a little more about the gang situation that is going on with Jenny. Head over one more office to find Captain Penn's Office. Use the code you found to gain access. Inside first look at the desk to find a Pocket Secretary that has the interm Morgue access code, “9212”. Poke around the desk some more to find some credits and an eBook. Inside the desk you can find a 10mm pistol and ammo. Collect all that then turn your attention to his computer. Time for some dirt digging and you will find it in his emails with the bottom one. Now exit the office and go the left if you want to head outside. Otherwise, return to the stair well and head up one more flight.

Police Station Floor 3
Take your time exploring this floor. There are a number of vents you can use too to get some quick experience. There are a number of items scattered about the area so take your time exploring.

Head over to your apartment when this is all done.