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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Side Quest Walkthrough Part 2 – Lesser Evil, Cloak & Daggers

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Side Quest Walkthrough Part 2 – Lesser Evil, Cloak & Daggers

Cloak & Daggers
Time to set into a somewhat lengthy early side quest. Head to the street east of the Chiron Building  south of Derelict Row and talk with Jennifer Alexander. She is hanging out the entrance to a small alley and will call out to you when you get close enough. She wants you to help her build a case against O'Malley who is apparently has some underhanded dealings. Talk with her to get all the details about this side quest then head off.

O'Malley lives in the same apartment as Tindell for the “Lesser Evil” side quest, making it an ideal time to simply do both! Hence them being grouped together. Make for the marked apartment.

O'Malley's Apartment
Head over to the marked apartment building. To get in through the front you need to be able to hack level 2 security. Otherwise you will want to have the Jump Enhancement so you can go from one building to the next using the nearby ladder by the tagger Punk. Going up and jumping over from the top of the nearby fire escape is actually a bit easier than hacking if you are not quite into that style of play.

Head in here and go to the second floor. O'Malley's apartment is behind a  security door which makes it harder to get into but you can always just shoot it down. Once inside you have the objective of getting some incriminating evidence. Head over to the desk then look along the bottom of the nearby bookshelf to find a pocket secretary tucked away on the bottom. This gives you the code for the secure room found inside the apartment, “1029”. Once you open the door you will hear a beeping. This is from a trio of proximity mines. You must move inside slowly and disarm all of them to move about freely. Look around by the lamp on the left side of the room to find a package of drugs or you can grab the weapons case that is sitting on the bed nearby the crossbow bolts. If neither of those sound interesting, turn to the computer and hack it to get at his e-mails. Take that for the minimal requirement. Take a moment if you desire to go through the next door. In there you will find a shotgun and an eBook you can quick glance at.

Lesser Evil
Tindall lives down on the first floor making it a good exit point. Crack his security level 1 door and step in. Head over to his computer, in the bedroom, where you can get the needed information on a rendezvous that is about to happen. Here you will be able to get the evidence. Head over there and talk with Tindall. You can either antagonize him and kill him or empathize and try to resolve matters more peacefully with him. If you accept what he offers, head over to the now marked basketball court. You will find the two dealers simply waiting there. You can take them both at once with the Multiple Takedown Augmentation or a quick shot at the other one then taking down the closer one. Return to Tindall to get the security footage. Resolve the quest however you feel like by helping him out, empathizing or just antagonizing. Just head over to Carella and tell him that it is all done and turn the footage over to him.

Meet O'Malley for a Hit
O'Malley is waiting for you in an alley east of the precinct. Hop the chain link fence with the Jump enhancement or use one of the nearby dumpsters for a running jump. Talk with him and get the details about the hit as well as the location of the weapon he wants you to use. Head over to the Chiron Building and go through door that is to the north of it. In the debris you will find a crossbow.

Now go to the basketball courts in the back alley. Head to the right of it and look for a fire escape ladder that is sitting down. Climb up three flights and go through the nearest window. Head down the corridor and go to the right. You will find the MCB bangers talking outside the door. You can walk right up to them and deal with them however you want to it but do it quickly so they do not raise a fuss. To keep the secondary objective intact use take downs or silenced weapons. To make that bit easier wait for one of the first pair to head inside the apartment. Be sure to grab the items on this guy as it has a door code for this apartment building. After that, deal with the one outside of it as you see fit. Now slip inside and take out the one in the kitchen quietly if you are after the secondary objective. Duck back outside the apartment and take aim at one of the two in front of the TV. Pop one of them and when the other responds take care of him. Head over to the door and hack it or open it up using the code you found. Deal with the pair of gangsters in there, including Double-T. After that exit the apartment and either punch a hole in the wall or blast one. Now head on out and its on to the last objectives.

*Be sure to clear your inventory if you like to grab guns. There are going to be about four in the cache for the taking.

Derelict Row
First one needs to get inside Derelict Row without being seen. Only a little tricky thanks to getting to the sewers. Head for the main entrance to Derelict Row. There are four DRBs that need to be taken out quietly for the secondary objective. This means pop the DRB who is standing right at the entrance to their territory then use a takedown on the one just behind him. Stash the bodies in a dim part of the barricade. Take a moment to search their bodies to get the access code for the locker, “0187”. Take down the last two after they talk to each other. Now head a bit to the right. You will see some barricades set up. In them you will find the manhole that you need to get into Derelict Row.

Take the ladder down and take the forks to the right. When you spot the first of the DRB you have a few choices: Sniping or Swim. You can snipe them when they are closer to you easily to avoid attention. A second option is to use the water to swim by them. You must move slowly to avoid making a lot of noise. Still, this path makes for very easy stealth. Once on the other side of the blockade, head to the left carefully as to avoid getting the DRB's attention. Now you will be able to just slip up the ladder.

Derelict Row
From where you emerge look around for a pair of barrels. Move them out of the way and to through the crawl space. Inside you will find the weapons cache and the evidence you need. Make sure your way back the same way as before. Drop into the water and slip past the DRB blockade then take the ladder up to find Jenny where you left her.

Turn over you gathered from the mission (you can lie and keep the crossbow if you want it) and she will give you the option of dealing with O'Malley yourself or waiting for her to do so with back up. Experience Points await if you do it yourself. Return to his apartment near Earl's Court. Walk up next to him then start talking. He will offer you a 3,000 credit bribe and a bottle of wine delivered to your apartment. If you decline he pulls his gun on you otherwise he leaves peacefully. Being near him before talking to him makes it very easy to simply take him down. Head outside the building at the end of this and talk with Jenny to conclude the mission in its entirity.