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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 5 – Investigate the Suicide Terrorist

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 5 – Investigate the Suicide Terrorist

Head on up to your apartment, which is the first door on the right, and into the adjoining room. Use your computer to progress the story forward. After that browse through your e-mails to get up to date on things. Be sure to look at the eBook on Jensen's nightstand as it is a Hugh Darrows book. Now the next objective is to stop the transmission coming from Derelict Row.

Exit the apartment and head outside the apartment building. You will receive the side quest, “Voices From The Dark”. If you follow up on the note that was stapled to your door you will find yourself once again face to face with Zeke Sanders. He is the alley North East of Sarif Headquarters. He gives you a pocket secretary that has a plan on it. This gives you a number of codes for the FEMA Facility. This makes things easier when you manage to get there. This is a very short side quest so take a moment to simply grab it. This assumes that you let Zeke live …

Time to head for Derelict Row again. This is especially easy if you have done “Cloak & Dagger” stealthily. From the Chiron Building head over to the left and start into the doorway that is just by it. You will find three large crates. You can jump on top of them with the Jump Augmentation or move them with the “Move/Throw” Augmentation. Deal with the Derelict Row Baller (DRB) who is tagging the wall to get his friend's attention. You can drop down onto the floor and wait there for him approach you. Shoot him through an opening in the crates or jump them and use a take down. Advance down the corridor and go through the door to get back out onto the streets. There can be a four people in the area ahead of you or none depending on what you have done so far. Careful use of cover can make it easy to take out all the DRB's in this stretch or for a good spot to have a fire fight from. Otherwise use things to get the DRB's attention to draw a few out. Take them down so you can easily take down the rest with minimal effort. Once you deal with everyone in the entry way it is time to go into Derelict Row itself.

Derelict Row
Head through the door that nearby the sewer entrance. Head through it and creep up to the first bend. If you want to start a firefight this is the next place it will begin. There are 3 DRB's in this area.

If you are after stealth then creep forward. There is one DRB just looking away on the railing. Take him down then hide the body in the corridor you were just in. Grab the nearby green barrel and head for the door. Throw it low to the ground to make some noise and lure the next DRB over to you. Once he is in range then move in for a quick take down. After that, deal with the third DRB. You can either take him out from a distance or go down the stairs to the left then keep to the right and go into the crawl space there. This puts you in prime take down position.

Either way now head out through the broken shutter door ahead of you. There are seven DRBs in this area so more combat shall happen. Use all the cover to your advantage and it will be an easy fire fight.

If you want to sneak through here then make your way slowly forward along the containers to the concrete barricade. Once there, wait for the patrolling DRB to get close. When he turns around take him down then hide the body behind the barricade. Now continue to the other side of the room using the barriers and creep up to the gathering of DRBs. They will talk then split up. Once they do head back and slip over to the other side of the area. You can hide behind the barriers there. Slip up behind the nearest DRB and take him down then hide the body. Now head back behind the containers and move forward. You will find two more DRBs talking about a Rocket Launcher. There are a good number of  DRBs to deal with. Keep creeping up behind the containers until you reach the one closest to the fence. Wait and one of the DRBs to pass you by. When he does slip into the nearby pipe and move forward using that. Once you get to the end wait there for him to pass by again. When his back is to you take him down and stash the body behind the pipe. Now you can easily cross over to the building on the far side from you using more pipes to your right. There is one more DRB waiting in this area. Wait for him to descend the steps then take him down. Hide the body in the pipe then go through the door.

In there are three DRBs patrolling the area. Wait at the first corner for the stealthy approach for the first to get close by for a take down. Alternatively you can use it for cover to launch your assault. For those remaining with the stealth approach you have two people on the couches you need to deal with quietly. Take aim at the far one and nail him in the arm with a Tranquilizer. This will give you time to get into position before he falls asleep so you can quickly take out his friend before he revives him. Take him down when he starts moving.

Move to the left and take the pair of ladders up. At the top of the second you will hear a beeping. There four Proximity Mines waiting for you. Move slowly to approach them to safely disarm and collect the mines. Head for the next door you see ahead of you. Now wait for the pair of DRBs to finish their conversation. One will come into the room. Take him down then drag him out of a direct line of sight. Slip up behind his friend and do the same since he is just looking over the courtyard below and enjoying a view of something above. Head over to the antenna you see at the opposite end of this landing and hack into it. Things wrap up with Malik coming to pick you up on the nearby helipad. Hop into the Heli and get out of there!