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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 12 – Confronting Eliza Cassan and Escaping the Ambush

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 12 – Confronting Eliza Cassan and Escaping the. Ambush

As you move forward, either jump or hack your way into the caged area by the landing pad. You will find some health boost items as well as a ammo capacity upgrade for your weapons. You also have the option to smash through the wall on the far right if you want to. Head on into the building. For now at least, there is no one in here. Feel free to look into the first room though there is not anything inside it. Head down the corridor and the stairs. Explore this area you can learn a lot about the world by walking around and reading their e-mails (and hacking into the computers). Remember, there is a praxis kit hidden among the many drawers in the work area of this company. If you are not too good at hacking you can find a pocket secretary with some passwords in the alcove in the northern part of the bull pen by the coffee maker.

Take some time to explore the side rooms to collect plenty of items. After that, go to the marked room and meet Eliza. After the cutscene, if you want to escaping easier, use the security hub that is in her office to disable the cameras. Surprisingly it does not have any security on it. If you want to be stealth make for the next room down the corridor and hop into the vent. If you want to fight, head back to the main area and you will find guards just waiting for you. Kill your way across the bull pen and go throug the door on the opposite side. Follow the corridor, passing under the camera. Now go down the next of stairs that is beyond the next guard.

For those going with stealth, exit the vent by going straight ahead. The left branch only leads to the bull pen. As you exit, wait the guards to move before opening the vent. Once they do you want to head left and take over behind the planter and use the openings the guards give to slip up to the catwalk headed south. Slip down the corridor and follow it to the left. Be wary of the guard that patrols this area though. If nothing else, hide in the stair well or in an office and wait to ambush him. Head past the offices here after you take down the guard and take a peek around the second corner. Just head down the corridor and start down the stairs as soon as you reach them.

At the bottom of the stairs you want to hide behind the left-hand wall. There are two guards in the next room that need to be dealt with. Wait for a guard to get close and turn his back. Use this opening to get to the divider and the countertop beyond it. Wait for the guards to start talking and can give you more than enough time to call the elevator. You can also use some of this time to creep into a good position to ambush one or both of the guards. After that, just hop in the elevator and ride it down.