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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 11 – Entering the Dragon's Lair

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 11 – Entering the Dragon's Lair

Head out the server room to the left. You are now faced with a corridor filled with lasers. You can either slowly move your way through or use the Cloaking System and dash straight on through. There are some rooms along the top of the corridor but they have very little in them aside from story e-mails. Still worth a look if you enjoy seeing just what is going on. Most of it is behind level 2 to 3 security so it is more for a hacker or someone with a lot of Automatic Unlocking Devices. Now head ove rto the door at the end of the corridor and open it up.

If you want to enjoy combat, this is where the guards resume. Just move down the corridor and use what cover you can find. There is a good bit of it. This fight is made a lot easier by avoiding the alarm that could have been triggered coming out of the server room.

If you are going for stealth, you want to slip down along the right-hand wall and into the security room at the far end of this room diagonal from where you came in. The security is level 3, likely with the passcode “2967” so keep that in mind. Once inside the security hub is only rating 2, a bit easier, if you want the password is “pangutym”. You can use this to disable the cameras and the linked robots if you have the augmentation. Be sure to look at the eBook on the desk as it is a Hugh Darrows one. Now head out of the security room and start moving forward, using cover. There is a Heavy who is patrolling the nearby area. Slip by him and go through the nearby door. You will find your way through a meeting room to some more desk on the other side. When he starts patrolling near the desks is when you want to take him down and stash the body between the first two desks in the area. Now go for the Soldier that patrols the opposite side of the room. This makes it possible for you to explore the area.

Now head down the next corridor and slip into the next security room. There are two guards talking in there. The Reflex Booster is essential for a fast and effective takedown on them. That or shoot one and take down the other. Next access the computer to the right, it is security 3. You get the passcode for the office of the Vice President of Business affairs, “3090”. It could be handy in a minute as his office is  just opposite the security room. Otherwise it is a level 4 hack. There is some useful information here about story but nothing important. Feel free to skip this and instead just head down the corridor. Your next door conceals a camera on the other side. You can either try to slip in while it is away or use the cloaking augmentation to quickly slide underneath it. Get into the conference room then go into the next room. You either need the Punch Through Walls augmentation or some explosives. Blast the wall and go through the elevator that is just to your right.

On the way up Van Brugen will contact you if you gave him a gun. He will thank you with a gift of 2,000 credits. He really is an impressive hacker. Head out of the elevator and follow the corridor. There is a safe nearby the computer that you see. It has level 5 security so it is a tough hack. There is a Heat Tracking System inside it and some ammo. The computer has some interesting e-mails sitting on it. After that just head straight up and into the office. There is a cutscene with Zhao.

When it is all done it is time for Jensen to get out of there and fast. From the top balcony is not a bad spot to start gunning. If you are after stealth then slip up to one of the edges of the of the balcony and wait for the guards to break apart and get on their patrol routes. While they climb the steps jump down on the right-hand side of the stairs and slip behind the couch and into the nearby vent. With careful timing of engaging the cloaking augmentation you can slip past the guards to the couches. From there you can easily get past them to the elevator especially when they have spread out.

Another option, though very time sensitive, is jump the railing and get to the balcony that overlooks where the guards gather. While they are talking, equip a concussive grenade, cloak yourself and stand up then throw it into their midst. Follow it immediately with a Gas Grenade or two as needed to knock out the entire group. Take a moment and loot the bodies to find the password for the Hanger Security Hub, which is “qilin”.

No matter the path, head into the elevator and into the hangar. If you have a silenced weapon (or not simply do not care about making noise) then snipe the cameras as best you can. You need to take out the Box Guards and using cover with EMP grenades is certainly the fastest way to do that. If not, then you want to cloak yourself and cross over to the stairs and climb them quickly. Now cross over to the far side on the right and ascend. You will find the switch to open the hangar doors here. Take a moment and dash over to the other side to find the security hub. If you have not dealt with the robots and have dominate robots then you can use the password “qilin” to hack into the hub. Regardless, now head for for Malik and get out of there!