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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 13 – The Funicular

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 13 – The Funicular

Head out the elevator and throughteh lobby to the corridor in the top left. If you can, hack into the broadcast room (level 2 security) and explore. You will find a username “Atresman” with the password “Skylark”on a pocket secretary in the broadcast room. Take the nearby stairs up a level. You will find a store room with an ammo case just north east of the stairs. Aside from there is nothing really to see. Make for the door in the north west part of the room. Keep crouched at this time to avoid being spotted.  Even if you want to fight, just wait a minute more and you will be in a great spot to simply gun down the opposition.

Exit the room through the just mentioned door in the north west. Here things can go differently depending on what you want to do:

Once you are on this balcony, it makes for a good spot to take out the first guard up top, with some sneaking over to the corner and taking him out. Use this position to take out all those there immediately. Staying on that level and dash over to the other side. From there you can easily gun down the second wave of soldiers coming your way. Get down to the floor below and exit to the north west.

Head forward and hug the railing. Get over to the corner and wait for the guard to close in. Take him down then slip further along the railing toward the opposite side of the room. When you get to the standee of Eliza on the Picus pedestal, wait. When the guard gets close enough you want to take him down. Now you want to get down to the lower level. You can go down either set of stairs but that is a lot harder. The simplest is best here: you active your cloak and drop to the floor below from where you encountered the guard! Activate your stealth abilities to ensure a quiet landing and cloaking to make the dash unseen. Run into the corridor in the northwest and quickly hide behind the boxes further down the corridor. There, wait for the Heavy to come and go then hack into the funicular. It is only a level 1 hack and possible to do in only 2 captures. Open the door and head on down.

The Funicular
To go combative in this area it is easy enough. There are two guards at the base of the stairs. After that, head down the corridor into the lobby. You have a turret, camera and two guards. Just gun them down as well. Simple and easy. Get through the room and to the marker to summon the elevator. It takes over a minute for it to come.

Get to the base of the stairs. You can easily slip up behind them and, with the Reflex Booster Augmentation, take them both down easily. Be sure to check their pockets after as one of the them has a storage room passcode, “0068”. Take some time to explore the corridors. There is a locker room with some revolver ammo as well as an Energy Bar. You can break through one of the walls, in the top right, and immediately get into the storage room. You can also head out of the room and go through the next room down.

Either way, head down the corridors and take a spot near one of the doors. Aim to head through the door. Wait the guard to move away then get up against the railing. You have two more guards in this room along with a turret and a camera. Now slip along the railing and go up the stairs. The cloaking augmentation is very helpful here as you can get by the turret completely undetected. Move along until you find the ladder on the right-hand side. Drop down when the guards are away (or active the stealth augments). This lets you easily get to the security hub to disable the turret and the camera with the right augmentations.

Now you can slip in here and take them down or take advantage of a silent weapon to take down one guard then the other.

Now summon the Funicular. It takes a minute and a half for it to show. As Pritchard mentioned it summons a squad of guards. Now you have a few options. You can hide in the open grate that is none too far from the Funicular Elevator. If you want to fight you have some good cover nearby and a good field of vision. Just wait it out and deal with the guards as they appear. Hop into the elevator when it arrives.