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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 14 – The Sub-Basement and Yelena Fedorova

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 14 – The Sub-Basement

It's a long ride down. Remember, it took a minute and a half for it to get up to you. For combat, simply get spotted by the camera and wait for the guards to come running. There is also a laser defense you can trigger to get some attention as well.

For something quieter head around the Funicular and jump up onto it. Use it to pick off the guards as they return down the corridor they came from. If you just get one, do not worry about it too much. Now, either use the cloaking augmentation or just hack very quickly to disable the laser. Head down the corridor and start over to the right. There is a security room with a guard inside it. Take him out while his back is turned. Now access the security hub to disable the cameras (and robots if you have the augmentation). Now head down the corridor to the left of the security room. Now you have two guards patrolling the next room backed up with a camera. There is a third guard on the railing above as well so keep an eye on him when he is looking over the railing. Get up the stairs to the right carefully to avoid detection and make your life a bit easier. There are just two guards up here patrolling different hallways. Now Tranquilize the first one as he starts going away from you on his patrol but after he passes the first walkway. Now go into the room on the right and wait for the next guard. When he passes the far door then you should take him down. With both guards down, head into the next room along this walkway. This is the security room and with the guards taken out there is little to worry about. Hack in and disable all connected cameras and defenses that you can. Now you can slip down stairs and from there get into the next area.

You have another camera to slip under but nothing too bad there. Unless you like to fight, avoid it as it will summon a box guard for you to deal with. Head around the corner and get into the first office down that way to get the access code for the armory you just went by. Get inside for a quick restock of ammo and to get he Cooling System upgrade for the heavy/plasma rifle, if you use it. Now with everything dealt with above, time to deal with the guards below and get further into the installation. There are three that need to be dealt with. Two in the front and one in the back. Slip up to the desk and wait for the guard to pass you by on the right-hand side. Now slide over to the side and when his compatriot passes him by, take him down. Pull the body back a little to avoid notice. After that, slip over to the nearby wall and wait for his to come back. When he is close, take him down. Now head to the right. The final guard patrols around the desks there. Take him down then go through the double doors ahead of you.

Move slowly toward the stairs as there is an EMP mine just sitting at the top of them. There are guards below and they will be alerted if the mine goes off. Disable the mine and try to get downstairs quietly. At the bottom you need to dodge a Heavy as well as a camera if you are after stealth. Otherwise take out the camera and they will just come running at you.

For stealth, active your cloak and get across that first passageway with the camera. Now go through the door on the left. Slip through there and take down the Heavy when he turns his back. Now go intothe room on the left to get at the security hub for the immediate area. Hack into it and disable the cameras. Now you can easily make it to the opposite end of the corridor.

Down there, hack through the remaining doors and it will not be long before you are at your destination. Open the door and head in to find the Truth about Eliza Cassan and to face your second boss, Yelena Fedorova.

Yelena Fedorova
This is a much tougher fight than Barrett was. If you have the Typhoon, you are going to want to use it. Another set of weapons worth using are the Stun Gun and P.E.P.S. to stall her from using her own Typhoon model. She will cloak and move around a lot. The only chance you have of spotting her is to look for the distortion that she causes and ripples in the liquid around you. EMP mines and frag grenades again can help you win the battle.

When she charges in is a great time to fire off the Typhoon as you are invulnerable during the animation. Two blast from the fully upgraded typhoon will end the fight quickly.

If you do not have that option, take advantage of all the things you can find around the room. Have some distance between you and her at all times. When she dashes you, run toward her. When you pass her, unload with your best weapons. If she annoying and cloaked, watch for the distortion and the ripples in the liquid. Use that to find where to place your grenades and mines.

When you head for Detroit get ready for a big scene!