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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 15 – Finding Isaias Sandoval

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 15 – Finding Isaias Sandoval

Head down the stairs and for the elevator. Follow the markers to your own apartment. If you have some spare explosives afte rthat last fight then look at the north west corner of the helipad to find some goodies inside a breakable wall. Head into your apartment to trigger a cut scene with Sarif. He will give you a VIP pass to let you into the Detriot Convention Center. Feel free to take some time to explore Detroit as another set of side quests have opened up as well as the Arms Dealers and LIMB Clinic have refreshed their supplies!

When you reach the lobby after talking with Sarif will encounter Wayne Haas, if you spoke with him (and got him to let you in). There is one dialogue choice to be made here so do as you will. Jensen will offer him a position at Sarif if you absolve and a fight otherwise.

Shortly after you leave the building Pritchard will contact you, if you did everything right, for the Aquintences Forgotten Sidequest. Otherwise, follow the marker to the convention center so you can have your chat with Taggart.

There are a few ways through the Convention Center and getting through stealthily offers some more rewards.

Head through the double doors and go up the stairs on your right. Take them to the third floor. There go to the left. You will find signs leading to the conference room 2005. From there you will have two choices, to go in and confront Taggart and to sneak in.

If you manage to get back stage without anyone noticing you then you can plant evidence on Taggart's computer. Walk forward to the guard who is standing by the backstage access. He will tell you that no one is allowed back there. Move away and wait for the guard to move. Follow him into the bathroom and while he is busy, take him out and get the pocket secretary on him. It has the passcode for the backstage door. Note that you have the option to slip through the vents but getting out will be much more difficult. Head to the backstage door and go on through. Just be sure to close it behind you to make your forthcoming actions that much easier. Take cover at the corner and look to the right. You have a camera and two guards. Wait for them to move away from the camera. Slip underneath it in this time. Be sure to move in a crouch to avoid the guard's notice. Move forward and take up a hiding spot around the corner from the camera. When the guard nearby turns his back, take him down. Now drag the body down into the nearby stairwell. Now sneak into the nearby storage room from where you dealt with the guard. In the room, look for the breakable wall on the left. Punch through it (or use explosives) and you will be in Taggart's office. Here you can hack into their security hub (level 4) and disable the nearby cameras. After that, look around to find Taggart's actual PC (which is level 1). Hack it and look through the e-mails. You will find Isaias's location in them. Sarif will contact you and ask you to plant some evidence on his computer. This is free experience if you want to do it. Now it is time to get out. Head back into the storage room and make careful haste down the stairs. A new guard has replaced the other one. Otherwise you will want to wait for him to turn his back and take him down, depositing him next to his coworker. Move along and you will encounter two guards who are talking. Wait for them then head back up to the top of the stairs. One of the guards will take a post on the landing below you. Take him down and drop him next to the others just above. Wait for the other to move off when you make it down to the base of the stairs. Now head to where they were talking. Now use the air ducts, hopping up onto to them at times. From there you can make it out easily.

When you come face to face to Taggart it leads to a dialogue game. You need to confront him constantly to get him to get the win out of this one. After it all, he will invite you back stage so you can talk to him more. He gives up the location of Isaias's apartment to you on Grand River Road.

Follow the marker to Grand River Road and climb the ladder nearby the cop and his detainee. Take it up and into the building. Follow the marker to the open stair well and take it down.

For stealth, wait for the two DRBs to walk away and can follow, easily allowing you to make it to the room you are after. You can also, with two energy cells, cloak and use a double take-down.

For combat, you can shoot down at them from the landing above them. This is makes for some easy kills.

Now head to the right and into the nearby room. Ignore everything on the floor as it is all rigged into a trap. Instead, move over to the bedroom door and press against the wall. When you are ready, open it and Zeke will come running out gunning for you. Take him down however you want to (after this, collect what you want from the room you are in). Now go inside the next room and move the boxes blocking the door. Head into the bathroom and move the boxes that are just inside the door as well. Flip the breaker box behind them to reveal a secret passage.

Head down and take cover behind the two green barrels. There are two patrolling guards below you that can easily spot you where you are. Even for combat this is a bad spot. Wait for them to break apart and move away for you start shooting. One remains on the bench nearby while the other moves back and forth. You can take out the mobile one with ease when he stops by the stairs and just as easily take down his friend with a quick and silent shot if you are going for stealth. For either, after you deal with the guards, follow the marker into the crate and take the ladder down.

Move forward to the first t-intersection in the sewers. Take down the guard when he passes you by for ease. Now head to the left and move the nearby green barrel. This clear access to a small shaft. Head through that to the other end. Wait for the guard to pass by. When he is heading to the left, take him down. Search him to get the passcode to disable the nearby laser grid. The code is “8218”. It is a level 4 hack otherwise. Disable the grid and go to the right and around the corner. Be wary as there is a frag mine attached to the nearby bridge which may detonate if you move too fast.

Head to the right at the first T-intersection. Take out the guard who patrols this stretch then his three friends down this juncture. Deal with the one wandering the corridor. Get the passcode off his corpse to easily disable the laser grid (or just take it from above).

Save at this point, you have a dialogue tree and a tricky one.

Either way, head through the door and you will be faced with a destabilized Isaias. If you are achievement/trophy hunting choose the “Tough Love” response first. From there you need to talk him down. You can empathize to get fair results as well, just remember that you want to calm him down so he will not pull the trigger. He gives you the gun when you are successful.

Now follow the marker to the security panel, hack it as it is level 1 (and very easy). From there just follow the marker to reach the surface and get to Adam's Apartment. This is the last time you can explore the Detroit streets so wrap up any side quests you have. Once you go up in Adam's apartment you will be whisked to Sarif.