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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 18 – You Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 18 – You Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours

*This is an extra mission given to those who pre-ordered the game and got the “Explosive Mission Pack”.

Once you finish your talk with the Harvester Leader, Head out the door to the left and through the doorway in front of you. Turn right after that, weaving back through the crates then go up the ramp on your right. You will see an elevator door and a glass door on your right in the center of the area. Hack open (or blast open) the glass door. Head up to Street Level and once again, either hack it open or blast it open. Now head to the left down the corridor and go through the second door on the left-hand side, just around the next corner. You are back to the streets of lower Hengsha.

Take some time to restock your energy boosts and sell off any excessive weapons and ammo. Once you are done, head into the Kuaigan District. Once again you need to make for the sewer entrance nearby the Alice Garden Pods. So head West then south, taking the southern stairs downwards.

Once inside the sewers head to the left. Take the ladder you find along this path upwards. At the top go forward then to the right to find the door. This leads into the Old Noodle Factory where the mission will start.

Just ahead you will find 4 Automatic Unlocking Devices. Grab them if you are not much of a hacker or wanting to have some fast hacks. Head to the left and down the ladder. Cross the bridge and, if you are interested, there is a destructible wall right there. Inside you will find some Typhoon and Revolver Ammo.

Keep going to the left. Turn in at the first conclave that you find. You will see a laser guarded door. Activate your cloak to head through it and open the door. Once inside the cafeteria go through the door on the left, into the bathroom. Open the vent there and take it on through. Wait at the crate for the patrolling guard to pass by then slip out and sneak up behind him and take him down. Head to the right and take a crouch. There are three guards around the next corner. Wait for the one that patrols to move off to the right. When he does, take him down with a tranquilizer or silenced weapon. Now cloak and head around the corner to the left to take out the next two with a double take down (or all three at once with a well timed Gas Grenade). Now head return to the cafeteria and head down the southeast passage that is connected to it.

Open the door carefully to avoid being spotted by the patrolling guard on the upper level with you. Cloak and move out against the railing. Decloak and wait for that guard to be looking down. Now quietly make your way over to the junction on this catwalks. When he gets close, take him down. Take this juncture across the room. Move carefully to avoid getting spotted by the guards below. On the far side, move the boxes to reveal a vent cover. Open it up and head through. Open the exit grate and take out the guard sitting at the security hub below you. Drop down and hack into it, it is only security level 1 so it is an easy job. Use this to turn off the cameras in the cells and open up the door to the cell with Tong's son. Open the door and head out into the corridor. Head to the marked cell. Instead of immediately talking with him, look under his bed for some hacking software. Feel free to talk with him to get some information about what happened and what that device is (which is a handheld cloaking device). When you finish talking with him you complete a good part of the quest and it is time to return to Tong with his son.

Head out and to the right. Go down the corridor and back into the security room. Plant some explosives (or just smash wall) to the right of the security hub. Take the ladder up then head all the way north. Take the ladder up and you will be out of the old noodle factory.