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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 19 – Stowing Away

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 19 – Stowing Away

You can easily visit the sewer based weapons dealer just opposite the marker for the crawl space. Sell off any excessive stuff you have and head on through. Head to the right and take the nearby ladder up.

*the Robot Domination Hacking ability makes this much easier.
Head forward and to the slip past the barriers. You will hear the guards talking about a gas leak in the lower parts of their tower. Head over to the office on the opposite side of the dock from where you came in. Hack into the security hub on the left to deactivate the camera and the robots and throw the nearby switch to de-electrify a very handy roof nearby. Return to where you came in and jump onto the roof of the stand.  Now jump over the fence on your left onto a storage container. Use this as a sniping position to deal with the guards around the area. Start with the guard just below you. Wait for him to get over to the container to the right and stop then take him down. Second is the guard on the raised platform to the northeast of you. Now look down slight and to the right about 90 degrees. You will spot a security guard below a camera who patrols the nearby area. You want to take him down when he is below the camera to avoid detection. Now move right to next cargo container and then jump across to the raised one to your left.

First snipe the sniper that is on far side of the lot. He walks along the catwalk up there so it is very easy to track at least. It is a hard shot but doable. If your tranquilizer rifle lacks the target tracking upgrade then look in the container you are standing on to grab one. If this is too hard from here, do not worry and focus on the next target. Now look down and wait for a guard to approach the concrete barriers below. Snipe him when he does.

Now head forward to the building that had the first sniper. From here, if you did not get the second sniper, use this place to get a much easier shot at him. After that head to the northern part of the roof and look below. There is another guard who patrols this area. Wait for him to have his back to you then shoot him in the back. He should pass out before he is in view of the camera. Now drop down to the ground and turn around. Open the window and quietly deal with the sleeping guard with a quick shot or tranquilizer. Jump and crouch to get through the window. Hack the alarm if you want the experience then head to the right and hack open the door. Inside, open the locker next to the door. There you will find the “package” that Tong left for you.

Optional Exploration:
You can now easily make it into the south east building. Inside here you can disable two of the cameras, freeing up more for you to explore. Approach it from the south and open the window. Tranquilize the guard the security hub and use that. After that security room, head north to the next one. Hack into their hub (security 4) and use it to disable the robot and more cameras. After that, head down the stairs nearby the first security building you dealt with. At the bottom there is a heavy patrolling so be wary of him. If he gets close, use a take down to ensure no further interruptions. Open the nearby storage to get a variety of ammo.

Now head north and look for a door that needs to be opened. There is a security camera nearby. If you have been looting corpses/sleeping guards, you likely have the passcode “4589” otherwise it is a level 1 hack. Not bad either way. On the other side of the door is another security hub, letting you disable more cameras. Now head back outside and use the ladder around the corner to the left. Keep going forward and climb up the second ladder. You will find the second sniper you knocked on there. You have the option of hacking open the door (security level 3) or using the passcode “6555” to get in. Head down the corridor and go through one of the doors on the right. There is a heavy patrolling on the other side so be careful about it. Take him down however then approach the railing. There are three guards on patrol down on the warehouse floor. Watch their patterns as they all have stops that are convenient for your purposes. Once you see it, take them down. One of these is at the base of the stairs so after two of them, descend and lay in wait for your last guard. After that, head north along the eastern edge. Watch out for the camera above though. There is another security room on the far side. Head over there and wait by the door for the guards to finish talking. One will walk out the door so you can easily take him down however. The guard at the security hub stays focused on that so again you have choice. Break into the computer, a level 3 hack. This lets you disable the one camera in the warehouse and a turret above you that would make life a lot harder soon. Head out of the security room and up the stairs just outside it. At the top you have take out the two security guards who are talking to your right. After that head further down to find a door. The access code is “3295” or you have hack its level 1 security. Head through the door on the left to reach Wang's office. You are given a choice when you reach his desk on planting the explosives. When you found everything you want, go ahead and plant them. It is a long cut scene but things wrap up nicely.