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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 20 – Rescuing Megan and Her Team

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 20 – Rescuing Megan and Her Team

Head over to the left side of the room and over to the front of it. There is a door in the northeast you want to cross over to.

Open the door while crouched to avoid direct attention. Move over to the railing and listen to the guards talking. They will split apart going opposite directions after a brief talk. Head back into the storage building and take cover on the right-hand side of the door. One of those two guards will be along shortly. Take him down then slip back outside near where they were talking. Keep the crate between you and the lower area. The second guard will stop none too far from there for an easy take down. Head down the passage now on the right-hand side. Cloak and hop up onto the box underneath the nearby window. Deactivate your cloak and open the window. The guards chat a moment then break apart. Go through the window and take down the guard once he is inside the barracks. Search around a minute while your energy recharges. After that exit the dorm to the right and go into the next room. Take out the guard in the chair then move onto the next room down. Hack into the computers for more story and the security hub to disable the one camera in this immediate area. You also have access to the jammer. Its code is “0111” and it is only a level 2 hack. Disable it to start into the next part of the mission.

Now head out of the security room to the left. Crouch and go through the glass door ahead of you. Move up to the barrier then head for the stairs to your right. Head behind the boxes stacked there and wait a minute. A guard will come close on the left-hand side of the boxes. Wait until he is there to take him down. Drag the body behind the crates so the other patrolling guard will not see it.

Head to the far south, cloaked to avoid detection from the two remaining heavies. Use some explosives or the Punch Through Walls augmentation on the wall just past the lighted poles to the left of the support in the wall. If you do not have the augmentation to see them (the same one to punch through walls) look for the fine crack to ensure you are blasting the right part. Head through the opening and through the double doors. Go down the hall to the left and stop at the first door, which is just past a juncture. Wait by the door for the guard inside to move close by. When he turns his back take him down as soon as it is turned. Once you do, head over to the eastern wall and destroy it. You can also just head over to the next room and hack into it (level 4 hack). Regardless move the boxes in the back left corner to reveal a vent that you want to go through. Go up the ladder you find there and into the next vent. At the end of it you will find one the scientist, Nia. After that talk, focus on your radar. There is a guard who patrols nearby. When is close, open the door to lure him in for a takedown. With some luck he will land inside the lab so you have less concern about the camera. Now head down the far left passage on this corridor all the way to its end. Once in the southern part, take a crouch near the southwest room. Open the door and slip in and take down the sleeping guard. Head into the next room to find an automatic unlocking device next to the computer. Handy if you are not much of a hacker as it is level 4 security. Break in and use it to disable the cameras on this floor. After that return to where you were dealing with the guard in the northern part of the building. Hack the door in the northwest (level 4) or simply blast through at the crack that is just a little south of it. Once inside you can use either the move heavy objects to clear away the stuff blocking the elevator, or explosives, at least enough to open the elevator. The explosives will draw attention of guards so be ready in case you need to take that path. Before you head into the elevator (or deal with it) look in the southern part of the storage room, the workbench right by the covered items, to find a Hugh Darrows eBook. At the top of the elevator you will easily find the next scientist.

Afte ryou talk with him head back to the elevator. Now head across the skybridge which to just down to the right of the storage room that has the elevator. Cross over and head down the stairs. Wait at the bottom to avoid stumbling onto a pair of guards. For the lighter armored one to be in the south then take him down with a silenced weapon. After that, cloak and head into the room. De-cloak and let your energy recharge as you watch the heavy. Take him down as well once you have the power or a quick tranquilizer dart. Now head through the western exit just slip north, ignoring the rooms to your left unless you want to grab some energy bars and take down a guard. Now head to the left at the top and stop at the stairs. You need to disable the laser grid (or walk through it with the stealth augment) to reach the elevator on the other side. Step into the elevator and take it down. Now head along the corridor to the marked room. There you meet the last scientist who gives you the virus to deal with the tracker.

With all that done, it is time to upload the virus. Head out the auditorium and go to the left go through the double doors into the morgue. The back left wall can be punched or blown open. Head through that and immediately, on your right, turn off the gas. Use the jump augmentation to climb the pipes then crawl under the next set. Jump where you see the next vent and open the cover. You will be back near the main building. Head straight out of the vent and forward to where the heavies were. Head forward along the main building. There is a sentry wandering around now. Use an EMP grenade to disable it. Now slip to the west along the wall to avoid being spotted by the camera. Keep along this wall to avoid being spotted for now.

Installing the virus
Once in the tunnel keep an eye on the opposite side for a passage. Down it you will find a security hub (level 3) that will let you disable the cameras. Right next to it is your target so hack the security then install the virus. Return to the security hub and disable the robot that is just mobilzing. Hold here and wait for three guards to pass. After that, head out of the security rooom and into where the guards came from. Head in and follow the marker to the left. Enter into the elevator and it to the next boss fight against Jaron Namir

Jaron Namir
Time to face down the fellow who put you through a wall. Namir can be handled simply enough with the Typhoon as you are invulnerable during its animation and it does massive damage fully upgraded. His own arsenal contains a plasma rifle, every sort of grenade and a counter for take downs.

It is easy to beat him using a gas grenade a multiple typhoon blast. Otherwise take advantage of his tendency to jump around a lot and shoot him as he is landing. Always pay attention to where he is and keep out of melee range.

After you beat Namir, head through the eastern doorway near where he fell. Just walk down the passage and through the double doors. A cut scene runs and after it head into the marked elevator and take it up.

*If you saved Malik that debt is about to be paid, making the next segment much easier for those after the pacifist achievement/trophy.

At the top use the nearby control panel to open the hangar and clear the way for Megan and her Scientist. Once you do, exit the control booth to the left through the door that opens. Keep to the left and go around the first corner. Stop at the second and look for a box sitting in the corner. Move it and you will find a hidden room. Hack the computer you find in there to get an achievement/trophy. It is a level 5 hack and the intricacy certainly merits it! After that, run across the shuttle bay to the next marker and off you go to Panchea!