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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 21 – Panchaea

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 21 – Panchaea

Welcome to the final stage of the game! One more boss fight and one final stage (and series of missions) to conquer.

When this stage starts, it is in lockdown, so there are no enemies to worry about. Use this time to explore and see what is around. Immediately that is not a lot but in the higher levels of the tower that is actually something. Most items in the landing area can be found on the left hand side in the form of ammo.

If you have the jump enhancement, you can head to the top left and climb up to the open vent and reach the elevator to the rest of the area by staying up on top of the storage containers and going to the left. Go through the window there and look for the drop on the left.

Follow the marker to the opening in the landing pad. Head in and follow the path to the left. If you have the EMP shielding upgrade, just walk right across the water. Otherwise move carefully along the pipe on your right as there are two EMP mines waiting along it, with one of the metal crates in tow, to use as a stepping stone to get beyond the large crate blocking you..

Panchaea Tower
Until otherwise noted, do not bother searching the dead bodies. They all have nothing on them. Exit the elevator and to the left you will find a secure door (level 4). Just follow the corridor. Hack into it to gain access to the security hub (also level 4). You can use this to disable a nearby turret making it possible to easily reach Darrow.

Hugh Darrow
Time to win over Darrow.
Response 1: Extrapolate
Response 2: Appeal
Response 3: Extrapolate
Response 4: Extrapolate

Now the path splits. You have a lot of enemies who are not really sensible and predictable so it is an all or nothing path here.

There are a few people to see for a few critical things to do to ensure access to everything in the end game.

Head down from your encounter with Darrow. Stop on floor 1. At the base of the stairs head right and into the hallway. Stop and take cover when you get close to the stairs leading to the hangar. There are a large number of Crazed Soldiers and Workers around the corner. Watch the big one and wait for him to go around the corner. When he does, go to the right and into the door up ahead. None of the others will move around. Cross through to the opposite side and head on through to the north. Take a crouch and watch the Crazed Ones here. One will be patrolling and come close. When he is past, stay crouched and move for the elevator. Cloaking does not hurt either if you have the spare energy.

At the bottom of the elevator, crouch and move to the straight forward to the shelving and boxes at the top of the stairs leading down. Climb onto the pallets and from there onto the top shelf. Likely you will be crouching at the top but get yourself under the opening and you will be able to stand up and easily cross into the crawl space. Use the pipes on the far side to cross over the room below. Turn left and go through the next broken window. Keep to the right and go through the grate you see at the end of it. At the end of the shaft go right. When you ready, open the vent and immediately cloak. Move fast to the right and go through the broken window you will spot on the right-hand side. Exit out of the room and head down the hall. Along the way you have the option of going by a LIMB Clinic. There is a Soda Machine in the way, mandating you the Move/Throw Heavy Object Augmentation but you are about to get 2 Praxis points. Exit the LIMB Clinic and continue down the corridor. Move on until you ascend the steps and see a door on your right.

Head through there and jump onto the stack of iron bars in front of you. Use them to reach the Scaffolding to your right. Now head over to the building and hop up one more level. Use this ledge to cross over the Crazies below you. At the far end drop down. Crouch when you land head for the debris nearby to get into the building again. Head down the corridor and down the stairs. Hold before you reach the bottom as there is a security camera there. When it looks away slip down to the pipes on your left and take cover there. Past the second camera is a vent. Open it up and head in, going straight. Take the ladder up and go though the next vent that you see. Emerge from there to find the ones who are safe. Talk with Taggart who is wringing his hands by the window. After that, head for the door to Taggart's left. Continue down the hallway to the left. You will see some small crates on the right-hand side. There you will find a vent you can go through. Take a left in there to return to the piping you started at. Stay close to the wall and head for the stairs up (back the way you came). You want at least two energy cells (three is a sure thing) to pull this off. When you go outside head over to the middle and jump down to the level below level, fall all the way down into the silo. The crazed people below will start looking for you but your cloak will obfuscate you from them. Go through the door and close it behind you immediately to avoid being spotted when the cloak potentially wears off. Head down the hall to the nearby door. Crouch and enter into the next room. Hop the pipes in front of you then stick to the left-hand wall. You will not be seen by any of the crazed people in the next room by doing that. Descend the stairs at the far side of the room.

Stay crouched throughout your descent down the stairs. At the bottom you will find more Crazed People. Stay on the left and hug the wall again to avoid being seen. At the end of the corridor, where the door is, you want to break to the right and go through the vent above you. Follow it to the end to find Sarif. Talk with him twice to get all you can out of him. Head back out the same way you got in, through the vent. When you emerge from the entrance of the vent, take a crouch by the entrance to the room on your right. Recharge some energy then make your way straight across it. One cell is just enough to make it to the other side. Immediately go to the left. There you will encounter a level 4 security door. Hack it to move on. Move slowly at first as the hallway is trapped and the explosion will draw lots of attention. When you round the corner you will want to slow down again as there is another mine. Deactivate it and then make your way up the nearby stairs. Open the door at the top of the stairs, go left to the next doorway and crouch there a moment. Now cloak and go right immediately to hide in the opening behind the massive piece of equipment. Let your power recharge a moment here then dart to the next opening under the next massive piece of equipment. Again, let your energy recharge in hiding. Now head around the final piece of equipment and through the door on the opposite side, again closing the door behind you. You are finally in a clear section so go right on ahead to the elevator.

At the bottom of the elevator go to the right immediately once again. Move forward until you can spot the People down here. Move as far forward as you can then cloak and take it a segment at a time if you cannot fully recharge your energy cells (though about 4 cells should be enough to make it). Jump the boxes at the far end and keep moving down the corridor. Move to the marker and hit the elevator button to head on down. This leads to the final boss.

There are a few people to see for a few critical things to do to ensure access to everything in the end game.

Back track down to level l. Take cover before you enter into the room as it is now full of Crazed People. From your cover start laying fire into them. Favor explosive weapons or the shotgun, using take downs on pairs that get close and the typhoon on any group excess of three. Try to keep some distance between you and them to ease the strain. If any remain in this room after the first round of slaughter then move forward a bit. This will lure them to you for easy kills. Now head into the elevator.

At the bottom of the elevator move forward. Go to the second set of windows and quietly take out the glass. Now jump on through to the floor then jump onto the stacked crates nearby you then up onto the truck. Use this vantage point to clear the room of all the Crazed People as they cannot reach you. Be certain to not shoot the Box Guard as it will activate and attack you as well. Keep going forward after you clear the room and jump through the broken window on your right. Head down the hallway and you will find the LIMB Clinic behind a Vending Machine. Restock on Tyhpoon Ammo, some energy boosters and the 2 Praxis Kits available. Head out of the clinic and continue down the corridor.

As you emerge onto the catwalks, note the black bars in front of you. These can always be used for cover if needed as the Crazed cannot get over them. Move forward and look for the first group of three,. Throw a grenade into their midst for some easy kills. Now approach the horde that is coming after you and lay into them. This is a great time to use mines or the Typhoon. Now move forward to tempt out any stragglers. Move to the far door that is blocked by rubble and duck underneath the rubble to get in. Now head down the stairs in front of you and sprint past the cameras. They will trigger an alarm and open a door that has a sentry. Throw an EMP grenade at it or use a Typhoon Blast. Now backtrack to the first door by the stairs. You might be attacked y one or two Crazed but nothing bad. Enter into the nearby room. You will find Taggart in there. Talk with him twice than backtrack to the outdoor area.

Once you are back outside take the nearby stairs downwards. At the bottom go right and take the elevator down toward the machine room where Sarif is. At the bottom of the elevator follow the hall to a set of double doors. Enter into the next room and jump up onto one of the tall machines. Use this as a vantage point to clear the room. Keep an eye out for red barrels to shoot. That way you do not have to kill all of them with grenades and bullets. Once you clear the room head for the door in the southeast part of the building. Be mindful as there are Frag Mines waiting on the other side. Open the door and shoot out the mines from there or slowly approach them to deactivate and collect them. Then approach the large crates and move them. Inside this room is Sarif and band of survivors. Talk with him twice to get all of his dialogue.

Now head out of the room straight ahead and take the stairs up. Now head for the elevator you used to reach this area and use to once more return to where you have been. Now go right, down the long hall. Prepare to lay into the crowd and use the mines you gathered to clear a path through the Crazed People. Again, if they get too close, use the Typhoon or Take Downs as needed. You will clear the bridge easily of everyone here. Now just head across and use the elevator that is there.

Hydron Project/Zhao Yun Ru
This fight has a few parts to it and all of it weighted against you. First you must deal with a protective shield around her. If you were successful talking down Darrow then dash for the southwest corner of the tertiary pods pillar and use the codes he gave you there. Otherwise, you must hack them (level 5) in combat. This will quickly remove the pods around her that are protecting her. For a quick finish, have 3 energy cells ready to unload 3 fast typhoon blasts on her. If you have a Plasma Rifle this can also be used immediately as it will simply cut through the shield. Be warned as shutting down the pods unleashes a massive electrical charge through most of the stage. You only have a few seconds to get away from that section of the floor. Dash to the left or right, just clear out! After that dash up and unload on Zhao.

After that, head through to the opening. You have 4 choices:
Darrow's Message, Taggart's Message, Sarif's Message or the Self-Destruct

To see the endings easiest, save before you make your choice. Be sure to watch the credits all the way through to get another achievement/Trophy for your time.