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Dark Souls Boss Guide Part 7 – Sif, The Great Grey Wolf, Four Kings, Ceaseless Discharge

Dark Souls Boss Guide Part 7 – Sif, The Great Grey Wolf, Four Kings, Ceaseless Discharge

Sif, The Great Grey Wolf
This one animal redefines speed in the game. More than anything you will want to block and counter attack throughout the battle simply to keep pace with him. This is not meant to be a speed contest.

Playthrough 1
More than anything you will want to move and keep yourself at an advantage where he cannot hit you. If you are above or below him there is a good chance most of his attacks will simply whiff, potentially giving you an opening to attack him. Still, his multi-hit attacks will drain your stamina rapidly and break your guard so any time you see him spin attempt to evade the coming attack. The other is when he charges you. Attempt to either evade the attack or be at a great enough distance that only his sword will hit you.

New Game +
If you have a lot of Stamina this will be an easier battle where you can block all the attacks. Otherwise much of the strategy remains the same. Keep ready to block any of his attacks save his charge and spinning attacks.

Four Kings
This is a very unique boss fight as the number of enemies grow over the course of it. While they have a grand total HP they all work from, each of the Kings that spawn has its own independent amount of it. They also have one grab attack that must be noted. Call Soul Consumption it will charge with an arm extended at you. If it lands it will kill you and suck away one Humanity. Needless to say you must avoid this attack at all cost. The Kings will use it very rarely but it is important to know about it. Another attack to watch for is its energy explosion. It will spin then start to glow purple. Immediately back away at that point. The attack cannot be blocked and it is very powerful.

It is important to note that the Kings inflict both physical and magical damage with half of their attacks. The remaining ones are purely magical.

Playthrough 1
Once you land immediately home in the First King. Close the distance and begin your assault on him. It is important to inflict a lot of damage on this first king as it will not be long before another spawns to aid him. Keep on guard for its attacks and attempt to dodge all of its magical attacks as they inflict a lot of damage. Remember to simply focus on one king and do not let more than three get at you at one time as the battle could turn against you quickly at that point.

New Game +
You have enhanced abilities compared to last time but much remains the same. Focus on one King at a time and kill them very quickly. Once you manage to wipe the field of them than you have won the day.

Ceaseless Discharge
This is a fast paced fight and you are going to want to keep running. This fight will have a very strong focus on stamina management. You want to move but never run out. This whole battle will start as soon you loot the area from the area. If you need some light fire resist armor then equip the Gold-Hemmed Armor you just got.

Playthrough 1
You do not want to take any hits from Ceaseless Discharge. Almost all of them inflict about 865 damage, more fire than physical damage. The lowest damage attack you will deal with is its long range slam clocking in around 550 damage. The best thing to do overall is to keep closer to the edge of the battle arena. Its attacks are somewhat easy to see coming but you must dodge them. If you take any measure of damage then heal completely. Anything less than that means your death when the next attack connects.

Sometimes you will find that ranged attacks will work a bit better than closing the distance. Still, when you do if you are taking the battle to melee, keep on guard and stick strictly to hit and run. You do not want to lose any speed while engaged with Ceaseless Discharge.

New Game +
Crank up your physical and fire resistance. Again, engage more from a moderate range, closing only to attack. Follow much the same approach of hit and run, keeping at range to dodge those damaging attacks.