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Might and Magic Heroes VI Campaign Selection

The tutorial campaign consists of just two maps. After completing it, you will unlock five new campaigns: Necropolis, Haven, Sanctuary, Inferno, and Stronghold.

What order should I do these campaigns in?

These campaigns can be done in any order, you don't have to do them from left to right. You don't even have to finish one before starting the other, you can do one map from one campaign, then do another map from a second campaign, and so on.

 HOWEVER, for the most rewarding story experience, we strongly recommend you do the maps in the following order (Thanks to our readers Jordan and Matthew who sent us this information):

Recommended Campaign Order

Heart of Nightmares (Optional) (This is the Collector's edition map)
Tutorial, 1st mission
Tutorial, 2nd mission
Stronghold 1
Sanctuary 1
Haven 1
Inferno 1
Necropolis 1
Stronghold 2
Sanctuary 2
Haven 2
Necropolis 2
Sanctuary 3
Stronghold 3
Inferno 2
Necropolis 3
Inferno 3
Sanctuary 4
Stronghold 4
Haven 3
Necropolis 4
Haven 4
Inferno 4
Final Missions

We will follow the same order in our walkthroughs

Homm6 Campaigns

Necropolis Campaign - In the Wake of Adversity
Nobody foresaw the Assassination of Slava Griffin by his youngest daughter, Anastasya. In spite of the intervention of her mentor, the Archangel Uriel, pledging the crime was not of her own willing, she was summarily executed by her elder brother Anton but brought back as one of the unliving by her great-aunt, the Necromancer Svetlana. Looking for answers, Anastasya sneaks in the very heart of the Holy Inquisition which is said to have captured the faceless responsible for manipulating her.

Start Point: Castelrose, the Fortress of the Inquisition

Anastasya's Background Story:
Anastasya is the youngest daughter of Duke Slava and Duchess Cate of Griffin, and the twin-sister of Kiril with whom she shares a deep bond, despite long years of relative separation (they studied under different tutors at the behest of the Emperor)
Charming, happy,  trusting... she would have been all these things had it not been for a single accursed moment: the assassination of her father by her own hand.
In spite of the intervention of her mentor, the legendary Archangel Uriel, pledging the crime was not of her own willing, she is delivered to the holy inquisition and summarily executed by her elder brother Anton.
She only becomes aware of these bleak events when she is brought back as one of the unliving by her great aunt sveltana, a practitioner of the mysterious arts of necromancy.
Shocked and disbelieving, Anastasya's fledgling denial rapidly transforms to grim acceptance and then into a cold, burning desire to clear her name by discovering who manipulated her, and how.

Haven Campaign - Something is Rotten
Bitter at the political maneuverings that saw his sister, Irina, forced to wed the despicable Duke Gerhart of the Wolf Duchy,  Anton's brooding is only broken when his father Slava is shockingly murdered at the hand of his other daughter, Anastasya. The mysterious voices that plagued his early years but had been eventually muted with the help of Jorgen, one of his father's councilors, return and blame the Faceless. Knowing he will now never resolve his differences with his father, Anton begins his crusade against the Faceless.

Start point: Barony of Stormgrad

Anton's Background Story:
First legitimate child of Duke Slava and Duchess Cate of Griffin, through his childhood Anton enjoyed all the privileges - and sacrifices - such a position bestows.
Instructed in religion, politics, leadership, and combat, Anton grew up a quiet, serious child, groomed for one purpose alone: To one day inherit the Griffin Duchy and become Duke himself.
Aside from a babble of mysterious voices that plagues his early years but were eventually muted with the help of Jorgen, one of his father's councilors, Anton was contented with his lot until political maneuverings saw his sister, Irina, forced to wed the despicable Duke Gerhart of the Wolf Duchy
Bitter, but unable to confront his father for his staunch fidelity to the emperor, Anton's brooding is only broken when Slava is shockingly murdered at the hand of his other daughter, Anastasya.
With the old voices back and blaming the faceless, and knowing he will now never resolve his differences with his father, the newly crowned duke is a very angry and vengeful Griffin.

Sanctuary Campaign - The Fury and the Mire
Feisty and headstrong, Irina's already limited tolerance for her assigned role in Imperial society was broken the day she was forcibly betrothed to Gerhart, the odious Duke of Wolf. Imprisoned in the Wolf's fetid dungeons after maiming Gerhart during the wedding night, Irina was determined to die rather then apologise to the tyrant. But she was freed by Sandor, and they both escaped to the south-eastern islands of the Jade Ocean. Irina finds herself a stranger in a strange land, but with the means to get her revenge on Gerhart and the Holy Emperor himself.

Starting point: Banteki Reef

Irina's Background Story
Sewing, music, poetry. Irina, the eldest daughter of Duke Slava and Duchess Cate of Griffin, couldn't care less about these traditional female pursuits.
Instead, together with her rough-and-tumble half brother, Sandor, Irina enjoyed the broadest of possible educations, even convincing the Orc Kraal, master-of-arms of House Griffin, to teach her the ways of the wild and the art of warfare.
Feisty and headstrong, Irina's already limited tolerance for her assigned role in Imperial society was broken the day she was forcibly betrothed to Gerhart, the Odious Duke of Wolf.
On her wedding night, he attacked her violently and she in turn wounded him greviously.
Imprisoned in the Wolf's fetid dungeons, Irina was determined to die rather than apologize to the tyrant.
But she was freed by Sandor, and they both escaped to the south-eastern islands of the Jade Ocean.
Stranded in the heart of Naga territory, Irina finds herself a stranger in a strange land, but with the means to get her revenge on Gerhart and the Holy Emperor himself.

Inferno Campaign - Angel, Angel, Burning Bright
Youngest son of Duke Slava and Duchess Cate of Griffin, Kiril was born on the same day as his sister, Anastasya. Like most twins, they share a deep bond and despite long years of separation, Kiril still feels a strong affinity for her. When he witnesses a magically-controlled Anastasya slay their own father, Kiril's rage is tempered by his tutor, the Archangel Sarah, who provides him with strength as well as a risky plan to descend into Sheogh...

Start location: Sheogh

Kiril's Backgroung Story
Youngest son of Duke Slava and Duchess Cate of Griffin, Kiril was born on the same day as his sister, Anastasya. Like most twins they share a deep bond, and despite long years of relative separation (They studied under different tutors at the behest of the Emperor), Kiril still feels a strong affinity for her.
A quick learner with a dark, dry sense of humor and an appreciation of the absurd, Kiril's imposed distance from Anastasya was much alleviated by studying under the legendary Archangel, Sarah whom he greatly respects and adores - and who in return admires him.
When he witnesses a magically-controlled Anastasya slay their own father, Kiril's rage is tempered by Sarah who provides him with strength as well as a risky plan to descend into Sheogh...

Stronghold Campaign - No Country for Orc Friends
Despite inheriting his father's sense of justice and loyalty, and his mother's fearless intensity, Sandor never really found his place in the Griffin Duchy and grew up a troublemaker. When his half-sister Irina is married off to the wicked Duke of the Wolf Duchy, Sandor decides to leave the Holy Empire to forge his own destiny in the Islands across the Jade Ocean. First, though, he will pay his sister one last visit...

Starting location: The Wolf Duchy

Sandor's Background Story:
Born a bastard, raised a bastard, Sandor is the illegitimate child of Duke Slava and his mistress, Elisabeth, and has always felt as much.
Although he is too proud to show his hurt, the principle emotion that rules his life is a deep-seated feeling of rejection.
Despite inheriting his father's sense of justice and loyalty, and his mother's fearless intensity, he never really found his place in the Griffin Duchy and grew up a troublemaker.
He found solace in the company of the Orc Kraal, master-of-arms of house Griffin, and his half sister, Irina, in whom he sees a kindred spirit if not more.
When Irina is married off to the wicked Duke of the Wolf Duchy, Sandor, livid at his father's complicity in the union, decides to leave the Holy Empire to forge his own destiny in Kraal's homeland across the Jade Ocean. First, though, he will pay his sister one last visit...