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Assassin's Creed Revelations Desmond's Journey Part 1 – Doubts

Assassin's Creed Revelations Desmond's Journey Part 1 – Doubts

Start by going directly ahead. Keep going straight forward, dropping from one platform to the next. On the third platform, you learn the leg button is used to jump. Keep going forward along the narrow walkway to the next large platform. There you will want to make a left.

Head through the opening there and go forward into the next room. Jump up and head over to the glowing glyph on the wall. Use the Empty Hand button to interact with it. This opens up a door that you just passed. Turn around and go through the opening on your left.

In the next room Desmond sees an image of the place he grew up. Head toward the image and go to the right where you can walk up the stairs and then keep moving to the right. Head up the ramp and the stairs, staying close to the wall on your left. Continue up and go to the right to start across the narrow beam that will take you around the top of the room. On the far side you will find another door. Keep looking to the right to find another glyph. Go over to it and interact with it to open the door.

Head through the door and go up the ramp to the left. At the top carefully jump across the gap. Head to the left, into the next room, toward the black monolith. Walk around it to find an opening in the back. Head down through this.

Head on down the stairs and go to the right. You will find a trio of moving black platforms. Take them up to the landing. Go right then drop down onto the area below. Go through the door, into the next room. Turn right and start dropping from one ledge to the next. Keep going forward until you are by the black platforms. Move across them then go right. Follow this path to its end where you want to wait for the moving platform. Take it up and interact with the glyph on the slab. This causes more platforms to appear. Take the moving platform back down and cross using the new platforms. You will find another moving platform nearby a raised ledge with a different color glyph on the wall. Ride the nearby moving platform up a little then jump to reach the ledge with the glyph. Interact with it to spawn two more platforms. Now move back onto the nearby moving platform and take it all the way up. Head over to the two ramps that spawned and cross using them. At the top you will find a portal, pass through it.

Desmond now has the power to create a platform to use the High Profile Button. Fool around with it for a moment to get a good feel for this. Head from the portal forward, creating platforms, to reach the large corridor in front of you.

Start using your platforms to navigate around the large moving, cubic, pillars. Work carefully to lower yourself after the first set. You will eventually need to cross the path of such pillars. Line up your route then move forward once one has passed in front of you. On the far side of this room you will see a floating translucent cube. Grab it to acquire Multiplayer Emblem 1. Now change over to the ramps to begin an upwards climb. Get past the two ledges and then you will need to drop down the small opening in the back part of this.

This leads you back to the starting room but there is still one more thing to grab while you are inside this memory. Head forward to the opening on the left and go through it, then into the room with an image of the Farm in it. Head on upwards in here and into the room just beyond it. Go up the ramp on your left and look upwards. You will find another translucent cube. Use the ramps to ascend up there to collect Multiplayer Emblem 2. Now return to the starting troom and go through the portal to finish the memory.