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SWTOR Walkthrough - Mannett Point - Trooper

Mannett Point is a class mission for the Trooper which you get after completing the mission "The Ambush"

Open your mission log:

Mannett Point
Havoc Squad's hunt for the stolen ZR-57 orbital strike bomb has led to a separatist base on the island of Mannett Point. Wraith, the squad's infiltration expert, has been sent ahead to breach the base, but she will need your help to enter the secured area where the bomb is believed to be held. Rendezvous with Wraith near the separatist base at Mannett Point.

Exit Fort Garnik to Ord Mantell, and head Southeast to Mannett Shore. The bridge is broken, so head down to the shore and swim across the water to reach Mannett Point. While there, you can defeat 8 Separatist Battlers to complete the bonus mission "Bringing the Battle to Them". Go up the stairs where the big antenna is. Use your map to locate the building where Wraith is and enter the story area. Wraith tells you that the bomb is behind a force field and they are breaching it. She will disable the shield from here, you pass through and destroy its generator. When the generator is down, she will rejoin you.

Your task is to disable the force field generator. Enter the Separatist Base to the east. Use the Separatist's base central elevator to go to level 2. Locate the Forcefield Generator Control room on the map and work your way towards it. Inside the story area, you run into several injured separatist soldiers in the infirmary. Jex says they surrender. Grannin tells you they are badly hurt and can barely walk. They promise not to interfere or try to stop you. They beg you to let them go.

You can either say:
Very Well (Agree to let them go) (LIGHT)
Mercy has a price, so pay up (Agree, but demand payment) (NEUTRAL)
I never leave an enemy alive (To attack them) (DARK)

After this encounter, continue east along the corridors to the Force Field Generator. Defeat the enemies guarding it, and intract with the forcefield controls. You now need to proceed into the secured area to locate and retrieve the stolen ZR-57 orbital strike bomb. Go back on the corridor then turn north.

Speak with Separatist Officer Dalern. Tell him to hand over the bomb. He refuses. Wraith enters. She says the bomb isn't here. Dalern keeps mocking you. Wraith asks you if you should kill him. You can say:

It's your call (NEUTRAL)
We should interrogate him (DARK)
Yeah, Kill him (DARK)

Choose to interrogate him. He will tell you that they moved the bomb. The commander came and they took the bomb down to the coast and loaded it onto a seaspeeder. Saphrro, Vyru and Bol are here. They are cell commanders who run operations in different parts of Avilatan. They're having a conference, relocating different men to different cells. Wraith shoots Dalern and kills him. She wants you to kill the three commanders Dalern mentioned. Tell here, Finally,  a fun assignment.

Lieutenant Jorgan contacts you telling you that these 3 cell commanders are priority one targets, and recovering their data on separatist cell locations and manpower is too good an opportunity to pass up. That data will be critical to learning the bomb's movements before it's too late.

Your goal now is to locate and kill the three officers. Go east. Separatist Commander Bol says he heard blaster fire and thinks they have been compromised. Vyru notices you and tells Bol to call for backup. Tell them that backup won't help. Bol will tell Saphrro to wipe the data so that it does not fall into enemy hands. Kill them all. You should kill Vyru and Saphrro first before dealing with Bol.

swtor separatist officers

Before making your escape from Manett Point, download the data from the commanders' computers. Then return to the Republic Command Center at Fort Garnik for new orders. Talk to Needles. Jorgan tells you he will get the officers' data to the rest of Havoc right away. Lieutenant Dorant has a special op already planned out for you. Needles tells you that earlier today, a man named Zak came to the fort from Oradam village seeking medical attention. Zak was suffering from acute radiation poisoning, causing catastrophic organ failures. His body was practically tearing himself apart from within. Tell Needles That seems strange. It is not normal for villagers to get radiation poisoning. As a day laborer, Zak performs pointless, menial tasks that would never involve any kind of radiation exposure. On the other hand, Fuse told us that the ZR-57 can leak significant amounts of radiation if handled improperly. Zak must have been near the ZR-57 knowingly or otherwise. Needles wants all the details, even if you must pry them from his dying husk of a mind.

Tell Needles it seems pretty harsh. Jorgan explains that this is a desperate situation, and that they need that intel. The medics who treated Zak weren't equipped to cure his condition - most of their supplies have been stolen by scavengers. However, if you were to retrieve the necessary ingredients to treat Zak's affliction... I think you would find the offer of a cure very useful in gaining his cooperation. Given that Zak's current medications can promise only a lifetime of excruciating pain, the potential for a full recovery should be an excellent motivator. Command knows exactly where the scavengers are. Jorgan gives you the coordinates and list of ingredients to retrieve. Ask him where to find Zak. He tells you that once you've got the cure collected, you'll confront Zak at his home in Oradam village and question him about ZR-57. He does not want you to do anything fancy. Just get the ingredients, get the intel from Zak, and then get back.

This concludes the mission "Mannett Point" and starts the next one, "Oradam Village".