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Dark Souls 2 Guide: Starter Item Guide

Dark Souls 2 Guide: Starter Item Guide

Dark Souls 2 Guide

Like the original Dark Souls in Dark Souls 2 you get to choose a starter item when you make your character. Each one has a different use and you can only choose one. This guide will help you make the right choice right off the bat. Let’s get started.

Starter Items

There is the option for nothing but that doesn’t give any benefits so you might as well pick something.

Life Ring – The life ring gives you a very small boost to hp. Honestly you can barely even tell when you equip it, I think it is 10 hp.

Human Effigy – This is the item that makes you become human again. You can take it if you want but you will find tons throughout the game.

Healing Wares – A ton of minor healing items that can really helpful early in the game. You get 10 Lifegems, 3 Radiant Lifegems, 1 Old Radiant Lifegem and 5 Poison moss. Outside of the Poison moss the healing items are very helpful early game.

Homeward Bone – Like the previous Dark Souls this just returns you to a bonfire, you only get one.

Dark Souls 2 Bone Dragon

Seed of a Tree of Giants – I have not used this item yet but when you burn it at a fire it turns enemies on any black phantoms that are in your world. I have not tested it yet so I am not 100% sure how it works.

Bonfire Ascetic – Using this in a bonfire will increase the strength of enemies around. Harder enemies means more souls.

Petrified Something – Just a lump of something that has no immediate use. I took this item but it still hasn’t turned into anything yet so I will update when I find out.

That will end the Dark Souls 2 starter item guide, check back soon for more Dark Souls 2 Guides!

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