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SWTOR Walkthrough - Oradam Village - Trooper

You get the Trooper mission "Oradam Village" after completing the mission "Mannett Point"

Open your mission log:

Oradam Village
Needles has found a new lead in Havoc Squad's hunt for the stolen ZR-57 orbital strike bomb. A man named Zak from nearby Oradam village came to Fort Garnik seeking treatment for radiation poisoning affecting both himself and his wife; the couple could easily have contracted radiation poisoning after handling the bomb.

Needles wants you to interrogate Zak and his wife to find out more, but before you do, you'll need to recover several medical ingredients to cure the radiation poisoning. Recover Vimidone, Albozene and a Medical Injector from the scavengers at the camp west of Oradam village.

Your tasks are:
Recover an Albozene Pack
Recover a Vimidone Pack
Recover a Medical Injector

Exit Fort Garnik through the road to the Northwest then go west towards the scavenger camp. Kill enough scavengers until you get all the supplies. Then go to speak to Zak in Oradam Village. His home is in a building in the center of the village. Find him near the bed of his Twi'lek wife who appears to be suffering very much from the radiation.

Zak recognizes you as a soldier from the fort. He asks you to help them. They are really sick, and his wife is dying. Jaller does not seem to want your help though, she tells him to get you out of here. Ask him how he got so sick. He tells you he already told the medics at the fort that he does not know how it happened. Tell him you just want to know the truth. He turns to Jaller. Apparently her friends got them into this mess. The movement sold them out. Jaller says that she will never betray the movement.

Ask her why she is protecting the movement if they got her in this mess. Zak tells her to think of him, he loves her. Jaller responds that if he loves her, he won't betray what she stands for.

Your dialog options now are:
Help me and I'll cure you (NEUTRAL)
Here -- This will heal you both (LIGHT)
Enjoy dying, then. (NEUTRAL)

If you want some light points, choose the second option to give them the injector which will cure their radiation. Zak thanks you for saving him and Jaller. Tell him you need to find the bomb. He tells you that Jaller and him helped move this really big create and got sick right afterwards. They dropped the crate off at the stronghold - it's the separatists; main base. Tell him you appreciate his cooperation.

Use your holocommunicator to contact Jorgan who praises you on your good work. He tells you the mountain stronghold is the separatists' most fortified position on the entire island. Havoc is assembling immediately, and your orders are now to get back to base on the double. As you exit the room, watch for the ambush of the separatist assassins' that's waiting for you. Defeat them, then go back to the command center in Fort Garnik.

If you helped Ensign Farn earlier, Lieutenant Virk is waiting for you, he does not like the fact that you reported him. Tell him you don't care what he likes. He threatens you that he will make sure you come from the next assignment in a box. Tell him you are not afraid of him. He says he will make sure an accident happens to you.

After you finish talking to Virk, talk to Jorgan in the control room. He tells you to grab yourself a seat, you're gonna be observing the op here with him. Ask him what operation he is talking about, and where are commander Tavus and the others. He tells you that Havoc Squad is infiltrating the separatists' stronghold to retrieve the ZR-57 as we speak. Commander Tavus was very clear: Under no circumstances was Jorgan to send you in to join Havoc on this mission. Tell him it's the commander's call, you trust Tavus's judgment.

fort garnik command center swtor

The technician interrupts. He says we've got a situation. We've lost contact with Havoc Squad. Comms, video, locators, everything. It's like they disappeared completely. Jorgan is furious, he tells the ensign it is unacceptable and orders him to get back to that terminal and get Havoc's status. Ask Jorgan if you think this was an ambush. Maybe Zak and Jaller set you up.

The technician reports that there is still no signal from Havoc Squad.  Jorgan says that this mission will not fail on his watch, he won't let the bomb get away again. Infiltrating that stonghold is a mission only Havoc Squad can pull off. He wants you to go in and see the mission through. The ZR-57 must not remain in separatist hands.

They were hoping to get the bomb back intact, but there is a new plan now. We have the deactivation code for the ZR-57. We disarm the bomb, leaving the seps with nothing but a big, radioactive paperweight. You'll have to hijack the separatists' comm system to broadcast the code. This data spike should do the trick.

You have the coordinates for the separatists' stronghold. Breach the perimeter, use that data spike on the comm terminal and shut the ZR-57 down for good. Thousands of lives are on the line here. Everyone is counting on you.

As a reward for completing this mission, you get a new Blaster Rifle, the Republic Command Carbine. This completes the mission "Oradam Village" and starts the mission "The Separatists' Stronghold"