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SWTOR Walkthrough - The Ambush - Trooper

You get the mission "The Ambush" after completing the mission "The Spy"

Open your mission log:

The Ambush
Havoc Squad is working to locate a ZR-57 orbital strike bomb stolen by separatist forces on the war-torn world of Ord Mantell. A refugee named Mirru claims to have information on the separatists' plans for the bomb, so Fuse and lieutenant Jorgan have ordered you to investigate. Meet Mirru in the refugee camp outside the northern entrance to Fort Garnik.

Your first task in this mission is to locate and speak to Mirru. Open your map to help you locate him. When you talk to him, he is upset for getting beaten up by other troopers. Tell him you are sorry for what happened. Ask him to tell you about the bombing. He does not want to give you any information though. Tell him that his information is vital. He will tell you that he will give you the information in exchange for credits. The options will be:

Fine, take some of my money (LIGHT)
We'll arrange a reward later (LIGHT)
I'm done talking (DARK)

Choose the first option (Unless you are aiming to be on the dark side of the Force). Mirru tells you he saw the Separatists hiding a bunch of bombs alongside the road near here, setting up ambush. He heard them say the bombs are timed to blow when some troop convoy is going past. He does not know when, but it's gotta be soon.

You should now consult with Lieutenant Jorgan to determine your next move. Use your holocommunicator. Jorgan wants you to head for the road Mirru described and locate the separatists' hidden bombs. A troop convoy is scheduled to move through the area any minute now, so you need to get those bombs defused ASAP. Your options will be:

Yes, Sir! (LIGHT)
Nothing like a good challenge (LIGHT)
Not my mission, or my problem (DARK)

Try the second option. Your task now is to locate and disarm the separatist bombs along the road northwest of Fort Garnik. Locate them on your map, and head there. Interact with each bomb to disarm the first, second, and third bomb.

SWTOR Bomb Disarming

Acting quickly, you intercepted the separatist ambush and disarmed the bombs before they could hurt anyone. Return to the Republic Command center in Fort Garnik for further orders from Commander Tavus.

When you enter the command center, Private Farn wants to talk to you. He says all other officers are corrupt but he knows he can trust you. Tell him it means a lot to you. He tells you his CO, Lieutenant Virk, is scamming everyone in command. Virk forces all of them to kick up to get safe postings. Credits, weapons, stuff they confiscate from the seps, everything. And if you don't play along, Virk assigns you to the most dangerous patrol routes on the island. It's like a death sentence. Ask him if Virk is extorting his own men. Corrupt officers give us all a bad name. Someone should report this guy. Farn tells you that a buddy of his that tried to report him disappeared to Talloran and came back in a box the day after that. Tell him you'll be glad to help.

Speak to Commander Tavus. He tells you that Lieutenant Jorgan has finished reviewing the intel from Bellis' field box. Bellis discovered that the separatists have the ZR-57 securely inside their supply outpost on Mannett point, a small island just off the coast. He sent wraith ahead to reconnoiter the outpost, and she successfully located a secure area where they believe the bomb is stored. Judging by the dramatic increase in the number of guards and the complex security systems installed, they're certain the bomb is there. Jorgan also suspects the Imperials are helping the separatists.

Tavus tells you that Wraith can't breach the secured area of the Manett Point outpost alone, so he is sending you in immediately. The Mannett Point bridge is out of commission, so you'll have to make an amphibious approach to that island. When you arrive, effect entry into the supply outpost and rendezvous with Wraith inside, she'll give you further instructions at that time.

At this stage, for some LIGHT points, you can report the corruption that Private Farn told you about.

This concludes the mission "The Ambush" and starts the next Trooper mission, "Mannett Point".