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Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 24 – Cyber Blazing, Mayhem, Guardian Angel, Heli Assault, Phone Phreak

Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 24 – Cyber Blazing, Mayhem, Guardian Angel, Heli Assault, Phone Phreak

Cyber Blazing
Choose the mission to talk with Kinzie and she will ask you to head over to her place. From Saints HQ, grab a car and head west. When the road splits, after the bridge, bear right. Follow that to the freeway and take that most of the way to your destination. Once you are off the freeway go up three blocks then make a left. Just follow this road to reach the docks where Kinzie is hiding. When you get there she explains that you need to play a game so she can learn more about where the Deckers are hiding.

This is an interesting game to play. The game handles just like driving a motorcycle. The objectives overall are simple, weave past the firewalls (literal walls of fire) and ram into the blue tanks. Hitting the tanks will give you time while hitting the firewalls will take that time away. You need to go through a total of eleven blue spheres to finish the game. Just weave through the fire walls and hit the tanks. This is a fairly easy activity.

This mission cashes out for $2,000 and unlocks the Trail Blazing activity in the Decker's turf.

Grab a car from the finish of “Cyber Blazing” and head to the north. Take the first right then the third left. Just swing over to the left-hand side of the street to start the activity: Mayhem.

The objective here is simple, destroy as much stuff as you can as quickly as you can. You have unlimited Handgun, SMG and Shotgun ammo and unlimited grenades. Your target is to get a total of $90,000 in damages. With grenades and guns, this is a bit easy. Start shooting Deckers to draw more to you. If you get low on health just hop in a car or lob a grenade into a large concentration of Deckers. Any time to clear out a wave, you will have a good chance to heal up. When the initial runs out, head up the street and start moving around. The goal here is to destroy cars full of people or lots of cars to build a large chain fast with grenades.

This mission cashes out for $2,000

Guardian Angel
From the finish of Mayhem, grab a car and go east. Make a left and follow the road as it bends. Now take a right, head down a block then make a left. Now make the second left, go up the hill and make a right. Just go straight down the road to start up the activity.

Kinzie makes it clear she understands that Deckers are coming. She expects you to keep her safe. You are on sniper rifle. Focus on the road just in front of Kinzie. A Decker car will drive up, fire off a shot for each of the four Deckers as Kinzie and your homies approach. They will pass the car and a second will come from behind them. Shortly after a third will come from the right. It is not much longer for the fifth and sixth cars to show up. The cars seven through nine will make quick appearances after a short lull for you to shoot some of the Deckers who have come. Not too long after this Kinzie will get into a car. The Boss will now be pulled into the helicopter.

Now you have infinite RPG rounds. As you go around the second corner two Decker cars will come down at the Saint's car. Fire at them when they are close together to get both in the blast. Now focus on Kinzie's car again.

At the next two intersections there will be a Decker car coming at Kinzie so aim and fire at them. Be mindful of street signs which can take the blast.

The next intersection has two Decker vans come at Kinzie. Try not to blow them up when they are right next to the car but more at a distance. The next T-intersection has another Decker Van come at them from the right.

Just a bit down the road and you will have another Decker van come at them.

As they head down the road a Decker car will come from the right. Wait for it to be clear of the Saints car then blast it.

As the Saints car goes up the hill there will be three Decker vans. Blast them as soon as possible and well before they get close to the car.

After the car rounds the corner and make a sharp right you have another Decker come at you from the front. Not too long after you will encounter another from the right.

When the car makes a left, focus on the road ahead as three Decker ATVs will come down the road at the Saints car.

Just keep Kinzie safe by blasting the Deckers cars when they are a distance from the car with her.

This mission cashes out for $6,000

Heli Assault
From the end of Guardian Angel, grab a car and head to the freeway going south. Take an immediate left from the starting intersection. Just take that, make a few turns and you are there.

Once there, you start in a Helicopter with plenty of missiles and bullets. Head forward and blast the Decker car that comes up the slope in front of you. Now stay close to Kinzie and keep the Deckers away from her. It is easy enough to make it to the first stop.

After the first stop, a helicopter will join in the chase. Shoot it down with bullets then focus on the cars below, pacing with Kinzie. Try to shoot the cars more with the machine gun as it has no cool down and still will kill them quickly.

Once again, after she completes her hack, another Helicopter will come in. Shoot it down quickly. As she makes for the next destination another nine cars will come after her. She will then dash into the last Server Farm and hack it. Once she finishes, the mission is done

The mission cashes out for $2,000, adds Kinzie as a homie and unlocks the Heli Assault Activity.

Phone Phreak
Call Kinzie to start this one. She will tell you to head to Smiling Jacks. From the finish of Heli Assault, just run south a block, turn right, then left. Go down another block and it will be on the right. Once you are there it will be the finishing mission for Kinzie.