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Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 23 – STAG Party

Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 23 – STAG Party

Choose this mission on the cellphone to instantly start the mission. This one looks to be very enjoyable. Head into the car and go straight down the road in front of Saints HQ. Follow the GPS back to the PR center. Time to get a little revenge on STAG for all the grief they likely have caused you.

At the PR center, select the Molotov Cocktail. Now, around shoot up the place, lop one at each of the two banners. This will get STAG's attention you. Grab one of their tougher cars or something you can drive well. Take off back toward Saints HQ. Head straight south to make the journey the easiest. Turn right under the train tracks and follow it on. Once you get to Saints HQ, head inside to the elevator and go up.

Once you are back in the Penthouse it is time to start blowing things up, saints style. Grab the rocket launcher and head down to the big window in front of you. Aim for the truck that is in front of the flaming cars. You need to wait a moment for all the STAG vehicles to draw in close. Once they are, fire off a rocket to demolish all the gathered STAG vehicles.

Now head to the opposite end of the Penthouse to help out Viola who has STAG members swarming her. Pull out your favorite firearm and shoot down the three that have made it up so far. Once you gun all of them down, head to the windows. Shoot any of the cars to simply blast all of the collected STAG vehicles that are around. Again, wait a moment for them to gather to get the maximum effect.

After that, Viola will point out a pair of snipers who are to your left. Quick either blast them with a rocket or pull out your own sniper rifle and fire of two shots to kill them. Now face the opposite way and take down the second pair of snipers that appear.

After that, head back to the North side of the building. You have a pair of tanks there now that need to be blown up. This takes about five rockets per tank so restock both before and after. After you destroy them, Pierce will show up with a surprise for STAG. Turn around and head up to the elevator just behind all the ammo.

Down on ground level be ready for a lot of cross-fire. Get down there and over to Pierce. He will immediately say to head back into the HQ, do so.

Once you are back in the Penthouse Pierce reveals his surprise, a laser guidance system to call down an airstrike. Move up to the window and aim for the first of three tanks. It will take two strikes to destroy one tank. Once the gauge in the center of the screen fills, back up if you are hurting. Otherwise, enjoy the fireworks. Repeat this until all three tanks are destroyed.

After that, you need to destroy three VTOLs that will stop and hover right where you are defending from. You will need to dash to the south side of the building after that to deal with six STAGs that made it up. Gun them down then head back to the north side of the building. Head for the elevator to make it up to the Penthouse.

Head forward and go straight for the helipad. Here you will be given a choice, you can give Birk to Shaundi to add him as a Homie (both Birk and Byte Blayde will be added and you can call them both) or you can give him to the Cyrus to get aid in taking over the city: You will be given the opportunity to completely take over a neighborhood after the mission. You will choose it the next time you look at your phone.

Either way Cyrus will destroy the Penthouse.

The mission cashes out for $11,999.