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Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 25 – Live! With Killbane

Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 25 – Live! With Killbane

Call Kinzie to start the mission. She will direct you to go to Smiling Jack. Head there and she will tell you to find three broadcast towers. Hop into the car and drive straight on to reach the docks where you will find a Helicopter waiting for you.

You have fourteen minutes to reach the first target. Get into the helicopter and face to the south east and make for the marked tower. Once you land you will be landing into a large concentration of Deckers. Pull out something and start shooting the conductors on the roof. This will stun the Deckers and make it easier to wipe them out or simply reach the radio tower. Once there, hold down “Y” and wait for the Boss to plant the Transmitter.

Once again, you will have fourteen minutes to make it to the next target. Turn to the east and fly straight on. The next transmitter is on the second high rise building in front of you. You will need to hop back into the helicopter and fly it up to the joining rooftop. There you just need to kill one Decker and plant the Transmitter.

The third part is tricky. You need to tail a broadcasting van and let the green laser coming from the helicopter sweep it. Each time it does so, you will start to fill the progress gauge. When it is done Kinzie will direct you to the broadcast location. She will also patch the boss through to the talk show so they can have a few words at Killbane.

Once you get there, dash for the open door on the roof which is to the left. Head down the stairs, killing the one Decker at the top and the one on the landing. Once you get below you need to slaughter your way through three waves of nine Deckers a piece. Once they are gone, talk with Jane. She will say that he was “heading north”.

With that, dash back up the stairs to the roof. Get into the helicopter and get over to the car to finish the mission. Just before Shaundi can get the shot off the Helicopter will go haywire. A message will appear from the one responsible.

The mission cashes out for $10,000 and unlocks a new helicopter for you.