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Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 28 – Stilwater Blues, My Name Is Cyrus Temple

Saints Row The Third Walkthrough Part 28 – Stilwater Blues, My Name Is Cyrus Temple

Call Shaundi to start up this mission. She will be asking for the night off when she gets interrupted and then simply calls out “STAG!”. Call Pierce after to start the subsequent mission, “My Name Is Cyrus Temple”. Now it is time to head for Image By Design.

Once you get to the clinic the next cutscene starts where the boss reveals she is turning in Pierce and Viola. Time to now find a VTOL and get up to the STAG aircraft carrier. Head forward and take the first right and first left into the tunnel.

Turn right once outside the tunnel then take the first left. Make another left followed by another right. Make one more left to get into the military base. Once there, go to the T-intersection and make a left. Follow the markers to the back of the base, get out when you reach the fencing then go forward and a little to the right to reach the VTOL.

Once in the VTOL, gain altitude, switch modes, then just gun it for your destination the Theropylae. Just head over there, you do not need to worry about actually landing. The boss will let someone else take Viola and Pierce to the detention center.

Once there, just follow Kia, Temple's second in command. Enjoy the dialogue between the two of them. When she stops you will need to choose two of three projects. Whatever you sign off on will be added to your crib.

VTOL style motorcycle. The same technology as in VTOL but much smaller and easier to control.

Satchel Charges
Plastic explosives. Another thing to use when you want to blow stuff up.

STAG Tank V2
Make a tank stronger, tougher and more deadly. Prefect for those slaughtering times.

After you make your choices, the Boss blunders, revealing they are not Cyrus. They do manage to swipe an ID card though. Time to reclaim your captured people!

Time to make a very fast exit. Head forward toward the marked door. There are a good ten STAG soldiers shooting at you so be ready for either damage or taking many hostages. Get through the far door to encounter two more STAG soliders. Now head to the right into the next room.

You have a lot of STAG soldiers, about ten, and two tanks shooting at you here. Make for the tank directly in front of the door to just wipe out the room quickly and easily. One most of them are dead, especially the tanks, head down the slope and to the left to continue toward the brig. Head through the door and you need to shoot two more STAG soldiers on the right. Now head to the right to deal with another pair of STAG soldiers. Once you have dealt with them go up to the marked console. Head on forward.

In the next room, shoot the two STAG soldiers. One is directly in front of you and the second is to your left. There is another above you, so blast him as well if he proves an annoyance. Go to the first marked door to free Pierce. Head straight back from there and up the stairs. Now go to the right and activate that security door to free Viola. Now head down the corridor to the right and go down the next right to find the cell holding Shaundi. There are a few guards in the area so be warned.

Shaundi suggest blowing up the carrier once you free her. Head to the left, down the stairs. Keep going to the left as you wind downwards. When you reach the shutter doors, move toward them to get them open but spin around to avoid being blinded by the flashbang. There are six STAG soliders on the other side waiting to shoot you. Kill them then head into the passage on the right.

Once inside, head immediately to the left, after killing the STAG soldier in this corridor. Head down the stairwell and then go right. A pair of STAG soldiers will come at you so shoot them. Keep follow this corridor. There is another STAG soldier as you round the corner, kill him and keep moving. Around the next corner you have a pair of soldiers waiting for you, looking the wrong way. Keep moving forward down this corridor. You will eventually encounter a small squad of STAG soldiers, about six. Kill them then head more to the right and down the ramp to the shutter door.

On the other side of that door is about eight STAG soldiers, two of which have scoped rifles waiting to start shooting you. Move to the left or right and take over in one of the enclaves there to regain health. Pop out and blast however is in your way. Head to the back of the raised area and shoot out the marked console.

Time to make for a hasty exit as you have three minutes. Kill more out of necessity then interference. Just run, heading upwards and to the left. When you reach the control room, you may need to shoot some people but focus on going to the left for the far doors. Head through them to find a VTOL you can escape on. Head for the second VTOL on the right to successfully make your escape.

This mission cashes out for $16,000 and gets you your choices of STAG items added. Time to start act three.