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SWTOR Walkthrough - House Cleaning - Bounty Hunter

You get the mission "House Cleaning" after completing "Settling Accounts"

Open the mission log:

House Cleaning
Nem'ro the Hutt wants you to take out more of his enemies before granting you his sponsorship to the Great Hunt. This time, Nem'ro wants you to take out his own beastmaster, who has been plotting against him. Before you head off, you should collect your pay for the Yalt job. Speak to Juda to collect your payment for taking care of Yalt. You'll find her within Nem'ro's palace.

Juda gives you the payment. Then your task is to take the elevator to the second floor of Nem'ro's palace so that you can lure the beastmaster out by sounding the beast pit alarm. Locate the elevator on the map and head there. Take it to level 2 of the palace. Locate the Beast Pit Alarm to the south. Sound the alarm.

It seems Nem'ro has told the Beastmaster you are coming and offered him a reward to kill you. You have been double-crossed by Nem'ro who now is watching the show! You are trapped in the beast pit and Nem'ro's many beasts have been unleashed on you. Defeat the beasts, and find a way out of this trap.

SWTOR Beastmaster Pit

Several waves of beasts will charge at you, including bosses such as Clawbane the Indomitable, Boneshatter the Ruthless,. Always kill the smaller monsters such as the Clawbane Larvas before dealing with the big ones. Then, defeat the beastmaster. Take the elevator back to the first level and return to Nem'ro the Hutt who has some explaining to do. Demand the sponsorship. He tells you that a representative of the Great Hunt will be here shortly. When he arrives, you would merely have to hand him Nem'ro's sponsorship token to enter the Great Hunt. Unfortunately, Nem'ro had already given the Great Hunt sponsorship token to someone else. The sponsorship is just a token, a small holo with Nem'ro's authorization given to its bearer.

Someone fierce and deadly on Hutta has the sponsorship token. If you want it so badly, find him and take it.

This concludes the mission "House Cleaning" and starts the mission "My Sponsorship"