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SWTOR Walkthrough - Kidnapped! - Coruscant - Jedi Knight

You receive the mission "Kidnapped!" after completing "Stolen Secrets"

Open your mission log:

While you recovered the stolen data files for Planet Prison, kidnappers have taken Doctor Tarnis. Agent Galen has asked to meet up with Kira Carsen and her security team at the spaceport to stop the kidnappers. Head to docking bay 84 in the spaceport and speak to Kira Carsen.

If in the previous mission you decided to kill Vistis Garn, you should now get a mail with the following:

From: Coruscant Security Special Investigation Unit
Subject: Case File #1142-235-3721
An investigation into the above referenced file, re: the wanted felon going by the street name "Vistis," revealed evidence to indicate the subject was legally terminated by a member of the Jedi Order pursuing official Republic business, specifically the search for stolen top secret military research files. Given your recent activities on Coruscant, the investigatory panel has determined you to be the most likely individual responsible. As a result of your actions, the panel has deemed you eligible for the reward that was offered for the arrest of the above referenced criminal.
Thank you for your service. Coruscant Security

The mail has some credits attached, so make sure to take them before discarding the message.

Head south on the map through the Senate Plaza and exit to the Coruscant Spaceport. Take the elevator to level 2 then go south to Coruscant Spaceport Docking Bay 84. Speak to Kira. She reports her forces are outnumbered. The kidnappers are threatening to kill Doctor Tarnis, but they might be bluffing. She is not even sure they have him. Tell her that you cannot take that chance. Bluff or not, the doctor is in danger. She now asks how to handle this. Tell her the doctor's safety is first.

Kira Carsen suggests you do not go in alone. She borrowed a stealth field generator from Agent Galen's office. Makes her practically invisible. She can sneak in first, and then when you attack she takes a few thugs by surprise. Tell her it's a good plan. She activates the stealth generator and goes in. Your task now is to locate Doctor Tarnis. Open the map and head west, then towards the marker on the south. On the way, kill 10 Black Sun Forces for bonus mission "Eradicate Abduction". Climb up the stairs to the first platform, and open the security door using the panel to the right. Kira is in dealing with some of the thugs until she gets shot. Defeat Zeer and his Black Sun Raiders, then speak with Zeer.


Zeer tells you that they were the decoys and that you will never see the doctor again now. Kira wants to make the guy talk, but tell her that you are the Jedi here, and you will ask the questions. Zeer tells you that he won't talk because his boss will kill him if he talks.

Your dialog options now are:
You'll be protected
[Persuade]You're not safe
I'll kill you first.

Try the [Persuade]. Zeer tells you that he is with the Black Sun and that his boss Salarr sent him to grab your doctor and bring him to Black Sun headquarters.

Your final task is to talk to Agent Galen in Strategic Command at the Senate Tower. When you get there, you learn that the stolen data files had details not only on planet prison but on every weapon prototype and research facility in existence. Black sun now has access to our most powerful experimental weapons.

Master Orgus Din and Master Bela Kiwiiks agree that we must act quickly to secure these other weapons. You get the task of rescuing Doctor Tarnis and the copied data files from the Black Sun. General Var Suthra escorts the masters to their ship. Agent Galen tells you that he is putting all his resources at your disposal. There is a special tactical unit in Black Sun territory. Experienced security officers who have been fighting those gangsters for months.

Galen gives you the coordinates. Talk to Sergeant Nidaljo. He can help you rescue Doctor Tarnis and get those copied data files.

This completes the mission "Kidnapped!" and starts the next one, "The Rescue".