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Deus Ex Human Revolution: The Missing Link Walkthrough Part 9 - Choices, Choices: Get Kavanagh Off The Base, Disrupt The Gas Dispersal, Disengage The Lockdown And Return To The Base

Deus Ex Human Revolution: The Missing Link Walkthrough Part 9 - Choices, Choices: Get Kavanagh Off The Base, Disrupt The Gas Dispersal, Disengage The Lockdown And Return To The Base

Get Kavanagh Off The Base
Head back to the elevator and ride it back to the interrogation wing. When it abruptly halts, look to the left to find the switch for the emergency ladder. Drop it down and use it to get out of the elevator. Now hop over to the ladder that is level to you and take it up.

Now start jumping from balcony to pipes to balcony. Without augmenations this part gets interesting. You need to jump onto the red toolbox to the right of the stack of pipes, onto the pipes, onto the machine and finally up to the balcony above.

Head over to the ladder and go upwards. At the top head to the right and into the vent shaft. Take that all the way to the end and open the grate. Listen to the conversation between two soldiers. Now head over to the grating on the right that is marked. Open it and drop down. You will drop down into the morgue behind the soldiers who are facing the elevator. You will land quietly as to not draw their attention. Now start toward the main portion of the base. If you need some stun gun darts and revolver ammunition, then sneak over to the ammunition case behind the soldiers. After all that, head for the marked Biometrics Scanner between the two wings.

Disrupt The Gas Dispersal
After the scene with Keitner, you need to do something about the poison gas that is about to be unleashed on all the people in the station. You need to head for the central tower in the detention wing. Inside, beyond the guards, on the central tower, you will notice a timer, you have ten minutes to deal with the gas.

Go into the Detention Wing and listen to the guards talk a minute. Now head to the left, tailing the guard. The Turret will only scan half its usual area when the guard has taken his post. Take him down and head for the stairs down. Now slip over to the stairs and head down to the second level.

For once the second level of the Detention Wing has humans on it. The laser grids have also been turned off as well. The guards are patrolling between the two stair cases so be warned. To get through move up on one quietly, waiting for them to turn around at the laser grid's former location. Knock out a guard then head down the stairs going to the first level.

On the first level, you mostly need to focus on getting into the central tower. You can take down the guard and go up the stairs but there is a second way into the tower as well. Head forward and drop down. Head to one of the arms coming out of the central tower and open a vent on its side near the cells. This will put you exactly where you need to go to control the flow of gas.

Inside it is clear you have one of two choices, either save the scientist Kavanagh or the Prisoners. Make your choice fast as you only have minutes left.

All The Above Trophy Achievement
While there is a third choice, it cannot be done unaugmented. You need the Move Heavy Objects and basic leg augmentation, this is impossible otherwise. Head to the southwest wall in the area and move the heavy box in front of you. Head into the shaft there. Now, at the end, go to the left and start jumping upwards. You will find another vent shaft you will want to go into. Take it to the end to find a machine with the gas inside it. Blast it or shoot it to destroy the gas dispenser and stop both Kavanagh and the prisoners from dying.

Disengage The Lockdown And Return To The Base

No matter what, you need to head back to the central tower and go to the top of it to disengage the lockdown. Interact with the console there to release it. Now you need to head into the base itself and confront Burke. Slip back down to the vents in the gas control room and make your way over ot the northern door to get into the main base again.