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Deus Ex Human Revolution The Missing Link Walkthrough Part 10 – The Long Way Home: Confront Burke, Defeat Burke and His Men, Go To Loading Bay 2's Docking Platform

Deus Ex Human Revolution The Missing Link Walkthrough Part 10 – The Long Way Home: Confront Burke, Defeat Burke and His Men, Go To Loading Bay 2's Docking Platform

Confront Burke
Throughout this mission Burke will taunt you over the intercom system. Enjoy it as this will show the kind of impact you have had overall. Head into the main building. Security is vastly increased so that means the vents are your best bet to get around at all. Head to the left down the corridor but move carefully. Not only are there guards but there are a frag mines as well. Head around the corner and go forward, slowly. There are two Frag mines on the walls that are ready to blow if you move too quickly.

Go right at the end of the hall, toward the loading bay. Hide behind the crates that are opposite the nearest room. Slip down to Quinn's Shop since the Vent Entrance is on the way. He will leave out a nice stock of aids for you. Now head for the elevator and go back up to the main floor.

You will find yourself behind a stockade with a guard watching for you. Creep up behind him and take him down. Now head forward, take down the next guard and then head into Loading Bay 1.

Loading Bay 1
Be sure to open the door from the side to not be noticed by the guard. Slip forward when the guard has moved to the crates on the left. Now start moving to the left when the guards have their backs turned and are moving away from the door. This part is most easily done when the guard's patrol pattern has not been changed by you alerting them.

Make for the southwest so you can slip easily into Loading Bay 2 from this area. Be sure to move only when the guards are far away from you. Do not try to go through the containers as there is a turret waiting on the other side. Instead, continue on toward the corner of the room. There is an EMP mine on the wall so move up to it slowly to disarm and take it. Now lift the second box to the right of it to find a pocket secretary with the turret's password. This password is: GH2477J1.

Now stack the boxes quietly and use them to slip past the turret. Timing is hard as there is also a sniper above you who will periodically sweep that section. Just move quickly across the top and no one will be any wiser.

Loading Bay 2
Wait for the heavy patrolling in front of the door to move away then slip in and immediately head to the left and go up the ladder there. This will take you to the control room. Move through that and head for the other side. Open the door and wait for the soldier to investigate it then head out. Now start down the walkway, stopping by the security hub. Do Not Use The Hub! You will be spotted if you. Use the crate below it as a hiding spot. Wait for the nearby guard to turn is back and head on forward to the next ladder. Drop down and just head through the doorway, hugging the wall, to get into the next part. The corridor leading to Burke is clear.

Confront Burke and his Men
You Burke in the command room above it all with two snipers above, two soldiers on the ground and a box guard in the room. There is also a turret near the back of the room as well you need to worry about when you get there. Keep to the machinery on the side of the room to downgrade from hostile to alert. Just keep moving to the left, toward the open cargo container. Remember that you need to defeat all the soldiers in this room.

Go through the cargo container and immediately loop to the left, behind the machinery. There is a soldier patrolling this area so time your movements carefully. Now make your way south carefully. Keep that soldier in mind but it is somewhat easy to just slip from one place to the next. Take him down then head for the opposite side of the room.

Make your way forward, closing the distance between you and the next soldier. He you can get at his back, take him down and go up the ladder. At the top, take down the sniper and head for the office there. Take out the second sniper on the other side to get the passcode for the security hub here: l4stst4nd. Now it is time to deal with everything around Burke's office.

Now when you reach the office you need to be mindful of the heavy on top of the office. Wait for him to move away then slip up. Get to the second ladder, wait for him to be close by, then get up top and take him down. The pocket secretary that he has contains the passcode for Burke's office: 5359. Punch it in and go inside to confront Burke at last. Take him down.

Now make your way to Loading Bay 2. The path is surprisingly clear. Just follow the marker to find your contact. If you have the CASIE augmentation you can get an achievement out of this conversation by using it when prompted.