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SWTOR Walkthrough - Horranth Control - Tython

Speak to Sedni Maruk, an NPC standing near some crates on the Elarian Trail, at the Forward Camp between Kaleth and the Tythos River Valley, to begin the mission "Horranth Control". This is a level 7 mission.

Sedni Maruk: Rotten, procreating beasts! Padawans will start dying if this keeps up. Oh, at least you made it through, Jedi. The horranths are everywhere lately. Hulking, razor-mawed monsters with nasty dispositions. They're multiplying fast and growing bolder. Something in the water since the Flesh Raiders came... I could use some help getting things under control.

Your dialog wheel options are:
Sounds important.
And you are?
Get to the point.

If you ask him who he is, he introduces himself as Sedni Maruk. He trained in Tython himself. His masters decided his talents were best served guarding and protecting the ruins. He is proud to serve. He wanted to be a Jedi, but this is the next best thing, until now.

Your options are:
No shame in that.
So you failed.
Tell me what's needed.

Ask him what is needed. He tells you that eliminating a horranth matriarch and patriarch will slow the beasts' population explosion. But they are tough to find and even tougher to kill. The matriarchs and patriarchs tend to gravitate in different clearings. You'll have to hunt them down separately - if you're willing to help?

You can tell him:
I'm not happy about this.
Not interested [Refuse quest]

Choose any of the first two options to start this mission. Choosing the first option also gives you 15 affection points with T7-01.

Sedni Maruk mentions that while you are out there, removing any of the beasts' eggs you spot would help too. It's up to you.

Open the mission log:

Horranth Control
Sedni Maruk is concerned about the horranth creatures roaming Tython. The beasts are huge, dangerous and aggressive. For the safety of all the Padawans training on Tython, the horranth population must be kept in check. Destroy horranth matriarchs and patriarchs in the Tythos River Valley.

Your tasks are to destroy 3 Horranth Matriarchs and 3 Horranth Patriarchs. Open the map to see your destination. You will head down the road to the south. The Patriarchs will be found in a clearing to the west side of the road, while the Matriarchs are located in the east. As you head there, look for Horranth Eggs as well. Smash 10 eggs to complete the bonus mission "Egg Smashing".

SWTOR Horranth Control

After you have successfully killed the horranth matriarchs and patriarchs that you needed, go back to Sedni Maruk at Forward Camp. He tells you that the horranth matriarchs and patriarchs make a distinctive howl when they mate and when they died. Sedin heard it echoing throughout the ruins. He has marked fewer of the beasts bounding through the area already, and you have his gratitude.

This completes the mission "Horranth Control" and you get experience, credits, as well as [green] armor for your reward.