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SWTOR Walkthrough - Republic Roulette - Ord Mantell

Speak with Corporal Dregg, standing in a small camp at the Avilatan Badlands, on the road leading to Oradam Village,  to commence the mission "Republic Roulette".

Corporal Dregg asks you if you want to run or bet. You have no idea what he is talking about. When you ask him to explain what is going on, turns out you have stumbled onto the most spectacular, fantastic, other superlatives included, fun-for-all-ages event of your lifetime!

Ensign Ta tells you to ignore the moron. He thinks he's clever. Lucky for him, he's so handsome or he'd be no use at all. She explains that they have a little obstacle course in here. You can run the course, or you can bet on other runners. Mostly the refugees run, but you're welcome to play too. This is a level 7 mission.

Republic Roulette
On the road to Oradam, you've discovered that several Republic soldiers have created a game in which onlookers bet on refugees running through a minefield. The field is full of unexploded mortar shells, and anyone who can retrieve three without blowing up wins a prize.

Seems like they are having refugees run on the minefield as some sort of twisted contest! You can argue against this atrocity, but in vain. If you ask about the prize, they tell you that you can win credits by playing this game. Ensign Ta justifies this morally by noting that these poor people have nothing and there is not enough supplies for even half of them anyway. So they let them gamble. The credits help pay for more supplies and when one of the refugees gets lucky, they get enough gear to really help them out. You can't imagine you get a lot of people running this course twice, though... But Ensign Ta and the Corporal assure you that not everyone who runs the minefield dies. Some of them just get really, really injured. And they even have some veterans who keep coming back for more... Ensign Ta instructs you to see Ensign Peters if you want to bet or run the course. He will set you up.

You can tell her:
All Right (DARK... obviously)
I'm reporting this (LIGHT)

If you choose to report this twisted game,  you express your disgust to Ensign Ta and tell her you will be reporting this to her superiors. This gets you 100 light points. The mission branches into a new mission, "Republic Roulette: Questionable Ethics". Report to Ethics Officer Drage in Avilatan's Rest cantina in Fort Garnik and tell him about this exploding refugee game. You can quick travel there if you had previously bound yourself at that location. Find Ethics Officer Drage who appears drunk: "Oh great. Let me guess. Ethics violation? Bad people doing bad things, and it made you sad? Every day the same scrag, day in and day out. Why me?". Tell him it's because this is his job as the Ethics Officer. He is not happy though that he has to be the moral compass for an entire army of degenerates. Tell him about the people who are being exploded by troopers. He sounds familiar with the "Minefield Run" with those "Wretched Refugees". He says the minefield game has been shut down for months, he made sure of that personally. But tell him that people are still exploding, refugees blowing up everywhere. He sounds upset and says he will take care of it. There is a standing reward for "Squealers" (quickly he corrects to "Information Gatherers"). This place needs serious help, and you don't know the half of it. The mission is completed with you gaining experience and credits.

If this sounds like your type of fun, you get 50 points closer to Dark Force. Speak with Ensign Peters. There is a run going on now. Watch the runner try get past the minefield, it doesn't take long until his run comes to an abrupt ending. Ensign Peters briefs you that there are a couple of dozen empty mortar shells out in the minefield. You can pick up enough and get back here "sort of" alive, you win a prize. Alternatively, if you're not one for braving the minefield. you can place a bet on a runner to see if you get lucky, and you will get triple the money. You are given the choice to run yourself or place a bet.

If you choose to run the minefield for the prize yourself, Peters gives you the instructions. You have a limited time to collect the shells and get back here with them. Preferably... without blowing yourself up. Head out to the minefield and pick up three mortar shells. The Mortar Shells are scattered around the battlefield, they should be glowing while this mission is active. Interact with a mortar shell to attempt and pick it up. There will be a 5.5 time counter in which you will be recovering the mortar shell, and when the counter hits 0 either the shell will blow up, insta-death you, or if it does not blow up then you will have picked it up successfully.  If you died in the attempt, call a medical probe or return to the medcenter, and try again. Expect to die at least once or twice while doing this. This is what you get for playing with fire. Once you have recovered the 3 mortar shells, return to Ensign Peters to claim your prize and complete the mission. You are rewarded with experience, credits, and dark points for letting this contest go on.

If you choose to place a bet, Ensign Peters tells you about the runners:

"A couple shelss short of a full clip"
Runner Brazz appears motivated, but crazy.
Runner Brazz - SWTOR

"Our veteran, or what's left of him"
Runner Grannon starts to disagree, but then forgets what he was going to say

Runner Grannon - SWTOR

"Resident Charmer"
Runner Mishta threatens to rip out your eyes and eat them with hard rations.

Runner Mishta - SWTOR

Ensign Peters ask you who do you want to place a bet on. Your choices:
The little crazy one (Runner Brazz)
The old vet (Runner Grannon)
The mean woman (Runner Mishta)

Choose your runner.  It's a tough choice, and a lot of credits are on the stake. Brazz seems like he's got some spring in his step. Grannon's been here before, he knows the score. Mishta has a killer instinct.

The results for this race are random, so we cannot tell you who to choose - It's pure luck. Go with the runner you like best.

After you select your runner, Peters gives you the honors of starting the race. Press the starter button to get this race underway. The race started panel is outside the nearby tent. Press the button and your runner goes into position. Watch him or her run the minefield, and likely get blown to pieces, killed by a mortar shell during the run.

SWTOR Republic Roulette

Talk to Ensign Peters again. If your runner lost, you get some experience points and dark alignment points for the reward, but no credits, as your runner died. If your runner won, you also get a big amount of credits.

This concludes the mission, "Republic Roulette".