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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 13 – Redcliffe Village, A Village Under Siege

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 13 – Redcliffe Village, A Village Under Siege

Head into the village and, if Alistair is in your party, he will tell you something important about his past. It is, if nothing else, a big change to any potential plans. After that, it is time to start for the village itself.

Head across the stone bring in front of you. There you will encounter Tomas. He will mention the village is in trouble. It is in your best interest to help out the village. Tomas will explain that the castle been spawning monsters nightly. Bann Teagan has taken charge of the village to help fend off the attacks.

He explains things and shows that he is in support of the Grey Wardens. Offer to help him to keep the village accessible. Get what information you can from him and it is time to start helping out around the village to everything in order to defend the village.

Before you leave the Chantry, head to the left and look at the book on the southern wall to get the codex entry “Commandments Of The Maker”. Behind it, to the left, is a pile of books with the codex entry “Founding Of The Chantry”. Look at both then head for the opposite side of the Chantry. You will see a bookcase that offers up the codex entry “Demonic Possession”. Once again, head over to the other side and look at the book pile for another entry “Thedas Calendar”. Now go a little to the left of it and talk with Kaithlyn to open the side quest “A Missing Child”.

Help the Militia
This is the quickest to start as it is right across from the Chantry in the village. Head over to Murdock and talk with him. He will make two request of you, one of Owen to repair and arm the Militia. The second is for you to talk with Dwyn and attempt to get him to aid the Militia with his men and skills.

Convincing Owen
Head over to the Smithy marked on your town map. It is just to the north of Murdock. Go over to the door and start talking with him through the door. You will have both intimidation and persuasion options to get inside the smithy and talk with him face to face. You can take a number of routes to the end result of helping him by rescuing his daughter. Do this, promising to search for her, and he will agree to help the Militia. Now report back to Murdock to get the quest updated properly.

Convincing Dwyn
Head into the houses, going into the one most eastern. There you will find Dwyn and his men. The door is locked and no one will respond to the knocking. You will either need to break down the door or pick it. Once inside you can either use intimidation (requiring 23 strength and improved coercion) or persuasion (requiring 14 cunning and master coercion). There is also the option of outright hiring him but why pay money for something you can talk out for free? After that you are good to go and he will join the militia if you had the right skills.

Help The Knights
Head over to the windmill in the northeastern part of town. Talk with Ser Perth and learn what he needs to help that his knights. He will ask you to help the knights by talking with Mother Hannah and getting her to bestow a blessing on the knights to aid them in battle.

Mother Hannah
Head back into the Chantry and go to the back left of it. You can use persuasion or intimidation to convince her that she can bestow a “holy blessing” upon some amulets and give them to the knights. Done right this will have no effect on anyone. With that you can head back to Ser Perth and give him the amulets to boost the morale of the knights.

Additional Help
There are still a few more things you can add into the fray to weigh more in favor of the village.

Oil Barrels
Head into the general store, which is to the right of Dwyn's house. There you can observe Lamp Oil Barrels. Tell this to Ser Perth and he will add them into the assault.

Tavern Aid
Head up the hill, to the north of the Chantry to find the Tavern. There are few things that can be done here. The first is just inside the door, an elven warrior is sitting there. This is Berwick, if you have Leliana or a Rogue character, save, then pick his pocket to get the letter in his possession. If you do, then it is a simple matter to get all the information you can out of him and get him to join the fight. If you have Leliana in your party she will call him out as a spy. Now you can persuade or intimidate him to join into the fighting. Next talk with Bella. She will give you some information on Lloyd so you can talk with him and get a few more ideas to talk with him. Buy what you can when the opportunity is presented. It is possible to intimidate him into helping. Do so then talk with Bella and she will be giving away stuff!

With all of that complete it is time to head back to Murdock and move the quest on to when the village is under assault.