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The Darkness 2 Walkthrough Part 5 – Home Invasion

The Darkness 2 Walkthrough Part 5 – Home Invasion

The Brotherhood is trying to muscle in on the wrong thing here. Occultist really should try to stick with the occult and leave the hits to the mob, no matter how well equipped they are to do it. Jackie steps out of the car, spawning the Darkling.

Head down the driveway and deal with the two Gunmen and the one man with the floodlight. Kill the one with the floodlight first so you can use all of your powers. After that, turn to the right and rip open the door with Grabby. Head through the short hallway to the next doorway. Head through the doorway and rip off the cover to the fuse box. Use Slashy to slice the wires and cut all the power in the garage. After use Grabby to rip open the gate so you can move on forward.

Head on through and shoot the Brawler who is coming at you from the left. Now rip off a car door for some shelter as more Gunmen come at you. Kill them then head forward to the pillar. Wait for the car to come forward then move yourself. Two more gunmen have come with this van. Kill whoever comes after you, shoot out the headlights, then deal with the second gunman.

Head past the van and to the right. Rip off a car door and head on through the garage. A car will come charging at Jackie and time will slow down. Open fire, shooting at the lights of the car. Done right this will flip them over Jackie and he gives them the bird. Move on from there.

In the next open section of garage you will be attacked by a Brawler, gunmen and one man with a floodlight. Use guns to deal with the men coming right at you, the Demon Arms when you can, and try to get at the man with the floodlight. Kill them all then head for the opening between the cars on the right-hand side of the garage.

Head immediately to the left when you get through there. Rip open the door on your right to find the security room. Turn to the left to find a relic waiting for you, the Winged Demon. Now head to the right and talk with Dalfo. Head into the elevator when it arrives to find Vinnie inside. He gives you a quick briefing on what is happening on the mansion itself.

At the top, things are getting interesting. Head across from the elevator to find a talent shrine to upgrade your powers some more. Head to the left and talk with Johnny. He will explain some things about the Darkness itself and the Siphon that was used to hold the Darkness. This thing is known as the Siphon of the Angelus. Head up the stairs and to the door to get things closer to the action.

When you get through the door Vinnie is waiting for you. Listen to him to get up to date on the happenings inside the mansion itself with the Brotherhood's attempted take over. Head up the stairs to enter into the fire fight. The first wave of them has a Floodlight Man in the back ranks in addition to their Brawler. Kill your way forward and try to get that bright light out. Head forward, toward the fountain in the wall. There will be a second wave of Brotherhood Gunmen, a Brawler and another man with a Floodlight. Kill them all and get their hearts as well. Head up the stairs on the far side of this area toward the mansion.

Head up the steps to face your first opponent with a riot shield that is strong enough to keep the Darkness at bay. Shoot at it to wear away the protection. Once you just see metal you can rip it away and slice its bearer in half with it. Be wary as the gunmen above are likely to throw down a light grenade, temporarily disabling the Darkness. A second gunman will also make an appearance as you move forward.

Head to the top of the steps and go to the left. There you will find more gunmen with a Floodlight as back up. There is a second man with a Floodlight to the right once you clear their “barrier” so be warned.

Head forward, favoring the left, the double-doors leading into the mansion through the office. You have another man come forward with a protective riot shield. Weaken it, tear it away and kill the man behind it. Two gunmen will help this person out, one from the room you are in and one from the doorway. Kill them then head through the doorway. Lure the enemies in the next room into the one you are in, if possible, then sprint through the floodlight in the next room to reach the generator beyond. You will reach the kitchen next. Kill the gunman in here then head to the right. You will find a study and in the front left corner, a relic. This is The Blinding Sun.

Now head back into and through the Kitchen to the hallway beyond it. Head to the double-doors beyond it to find Jimmy the Grape and some other re-enforcements. You are getting closer to your Aunt Sarah. Sprint into the atrium.

Inside there, continue to sprint up the stairs on your left. Immediately start gunning for the man with the Floodlight. Take out any others that get in your way. Now head for the center part of the balcony and through there to get toward the bedroom. Head to the double-doors to finish up the mission. Jackie gets an unpleasant surprise and Aunt Sarah comes running forward toward you. This does not end well at all. The scene fades to white.