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the Skycaddie SG4 GPS system

Golfers all over the world are rejoicing over the Skycaddie SG4 GPS system. Playing golf and being aware of the field you are playing at has never been easier. Your strategies won't suffer because you're missing information about the lawn and its cavities, undulations and curls. Everything you have ever needed to know will be stored and delivered to you with this powerful gadget.

The way the Skycaddie SG4 GPS works is simple. The patented Intelligreen software is responsible for the entire operation of this device. It shows the depth and different shapes of the entire territory the golf course is set on. And it doesn't matter what angle you are looking at the field from, this instrument will be able to capture the entire territory and deliver the most accurate data so you will always keep an eye on what's going on.

The display and menu offered by the Skycaddie SG4 GPS are incredibly easy to use. The features are self explanatory and the intuitive screen will know what to show you and how to help you. This incredible tool also comes with the extraordinary capacity of an expansion slot that will allow you to store more data on different maps so you can play in courses that are not the ones you are used to. The lithium rechargeable battery that comes with this instrument will give you a long life and long period capacities so you will always be ready to play your best having the helping hand of this reliable partner.

The system behind this item works that well because of the human mapped data that they offer. This means that certified subjects walk through each and every course while they map every hole, dimple, curl or other specific characteristics of that field. If you are looking for reliability, this GPS device is for you.