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SWTOR Walkthrough - Keeping Secrets - Hutta

Talk to Kraay in the Eastern Grime on Hutta to begin this mission. This is a level 7 mission.

Kraay: Know you. Seen you around Nem'ro's Palace. Heard your interesting reputation. Name is Kraay. Paid by Nem'ro to sabotage Fa'athra. Goal to end Hutt war from the shadows. Good work, very exciting.

Kraay has learned of a hole in Nem'ro's security. He has got to seal it before Fa'athra discovers. He asks you if you want in. This mission is risky, but profitable. You can answer:
I'm not a delicate work type
Keep talking
You talk funny

If you comment to him on how funny he talks and that you will have to charge extra to put up with his babble, he tells you that the conversation is part of the mission and is already factored into the payment. Fa'athra's patrol captured Nem'ro's smuggler in a random sweep, but didn't know it. The Fa'athra patrol threw the smuggler into the Rust Yards as a slave. The smuggler knows Nem'ro's businsess. If the smuggler is exposed, that business would be compromised, so immediate action is required. You can say:
Is it that serious?
Sure seems that way
Your people can't do it?

Choose the first option. Kraay tells you that the smuggler knows a lot. If the smuggler were to talk, Fa'athra would gains some unacceptable advantage. The mission objective is to use a device to deactivate smuggler's slave collar and free him. If the device fails, you are authorized to take drastic measures. The alternate objective is to silence the smuggler permanently. Snag tracking chip from the base of the smuggler's skull as proof.

You can say:
Tell me about the chip
Nice to have options

Ask Kraay about the chip, what sort of information is on this tracking chip. Kraay tells you that the chip holds personal identification, unique to smuggler, and would serve as proof of smuggler's silence. Zeven is imprisoned in Rust Yards slave pen. He can be identified by his green skin, tattoos, and excitable temperament. He is of the Mirialan species.

Open your quest log to see the full details:

Keeping Secrets
Kraay has offered you a job locating Zeven, one of Nem'ro's smugglers, who's been enslaved by Fa'athra's men. They don't know that Zeven is one of Nem'ro's agent yet, so Kraay asks you to rescue him before he is exposed. If a rescue is not possible, you've been authorized to kill Zeven and get the tracking chip embedded in his skull as proof of the job. Find Zeven's holding cell in the Rust Yards gas mining facility and release him.

Kraay gave you the following mission item:

Shock Collar Removal Device
Mission Item
Use: Disables the Shock Collar of the targeted enslaved miner.
This old device can be used to safely remove shock collars from enslaved miners.

Your first task is to open Zeven's holding cell. Go to the rust yards and descend to the basement in the lower level using the elevator. Also, while doing this mission, you can unlock the following bonus mission for extra experience:

Terminating Contracts [Bonus]
Fa'athra has employed a large force of industrial guards to protect his refinery. Show them that they chose the wrong employer. Take out any of Fa'athra's industrial guards in and around Fa'athra's refinery. Defeat Fa'athra's Industrial Guards (0/9).

 Feel free to do or not do the bonus quest. Either way, one in the basement, go south and use the controls on the wall to open Zeven's cell.

Zeven: Who are you? Not Fa'athra's people. I know that. Kraay sent you, didn't he? How are you planning to bust me out? I can't stroll around with this slave collar on. If I step outside the secure zone, I'll be shocked unconscious or worse.

You can tell him:
I have something to fix that
Just relax
Keep your trap shut

Choose the first option to tell him about the gadget Kraay gave you, which you will use to deactivate the collar. Zeven is happy to hear that you can neutralize slave collars. He wants you to use the gadget to free the other slaves as well. These poor people got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fa'athra's working them to death. They're strong enough to make a run for it. They just need their slave collars deactivated first.

You can say:
Why help them?
Nah, it'd just be a waste of time
I'm not being paid for that.

Choose the first option to ask Zeven why he cares about the other slaves that much.  Zeven tells you that they have been keeping each other alive in here and that he won't just leave them. If the guards discover Zeven has escaped, they will torture the others to death. Can't happen. All you have to do is to deactivate the other slave collars. His friends will make a break for it when the guards aren't looking.

You now have a critical choice path:
Too much trouble [Kill Him] (DARK)
Okay, everyone gets free (LIGHT)

Option #1 - Dark - Kill Zeven
If you decide that what Zeven is asking for you is too much trouble, you instantly kill him and get 100 dark points. You tell Zeven you were given the option of killing him and you are taking it. Zeven accuses you of being a heartless piece of filth as you execute him with your weapon. You get the tracking chip from him, and now you need to go back to Kraay. Kraay is not surprised you came back with the Tracking Chip instead of freeing Zeven. Tell him Zeven led a risky life, smuggling is a dangerous line of work. Zeven understood the risks - professional, unsentimental, fatalist - good qualities. He gives you the reward as promised.

SWTOR Keeping Secrets

Option #2 - Light - Free Zeven and his friends
If you decide to help Zeven and the other slaves, you get 100 light points. Zeven sends you to deactivate his friends' slave collars. You need to find 5 slaves and use the device on them to free them (target the slave, open your inventory, find gadget under mission items, and right click on it). Slaves can be found both in the lower level where the holding cells are, as well as in the upper level. Once you have freed 5 of them, return to Zeven. He thanks you and  tells you he will report to Kraay. Head back to Kraay yourself. He is surprised that you freed both Zeven and his friends rather than killing him, he did not expect that. But he congratulates you on your good work Zeven has left a bonus for you for freeing his slave friends. Claim the reward and bonus to conclude the contract

This completes the mission, Keeping Secrets.