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. Plays, 21st November, 2015

Tom Orry, Editor – Football Manager 2016, PS4

Football Manager 2016 screenshot

I've been carrying on my career as Forest boss during my lunch hour at work, but thought I'd play a bit at home. On loading my last save I realised I was in charge of Spurs, and thus a new alternate universe was formed. I'm still in charge of Spurs in Universe 2, doing a lot better than in my other reality (where I got sacked after a handful of games). My players are still on the verge of some kind of mutiny, though, so I've transfer listed Harry Kane in the hope to get the troublemaker out the door and replaced before the window slams shut. Only time will tell if this plan proves to be the end of me.

Steve Burns, Deputy Editor – Some words, mainly about voice acting and idiots

Star Wars: Battlefront screenshot

Listen: I didn't actually play that much this week. I know, I know. But I've been working on something pretty cool with the VideoGamer brass, the result of which you'll be able to see on Monday. Exciting, eh? Yes. Yes it is. Don't you dare say no. Say no and I'll come round there and fucking cut you.

Anyway. Monday. Be there. And if you really need to read the words of me, Steven W. Burns, I have been mouthing off about both people who say Batman games wouldn't be as good if they didn't have Batman in them, as well as having a good look at why the voice acting in Battlefront is so bad.

Dave Scammell, News Editor – Star Wars Battlefront, PS4

Star Wars: Battlefront screenshot

I still find it odd seeing a Stormtrooper mind-warp directly into the cockpit of a TIE Fighter but hey, putting all the nonsense to one side, Battlefront seems pretty good, doesn't it?

Sure, I can see it lacking the depth of other online shooters and yes, my opinion of it may have changed this time next week as a result. But for now I'm having too much fun jumping into an AT-ST or nipping about in an X-Wing to really care. Perhaps I've been blown away by the spectacle, but initial impressions of Battlefront are far more positive than I had been preparing myself for. Now all DICE needs to do is keep the momentum going through Christmas.

Alice Bell, Junior Staff Writer – Fallout 4, PS4

Fallout 4 screenshot

Whenever an RPG comes out it’s probably a safe bet that I’ve been playing it. Bethesda still can’t make human faces that resemble anything more than animated root vegetables, but you can kind of get over that – especially if aforesaid face has just exploded as you shot it, eyeballs flying everywhere. Not that it’s all about ultraviolence: I’m enjoying the My First Wasteland play set too, building little houses for my friends and giving them nice jobs to do.

I’ve actually found the wasteland much more enjoyable this time. My lasting impression of Fallout 3 was a game painted entirely in Dulux’s ‘Depressing Post Apocalypse’ range of grey and brown. Boston has blue skies! Sunshine! And you get a dog again! Yes, look at the dog. This game is great. Ignore any bugs, just look at the little dog in his bandana. Ah, lovely.