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SWTOR Walkthrough - Purity - Sith Academy - Korriban

Speak with Lord Abaron, who is kneeling in front of a statue in the main hall of the Sith Academy on Korriban. This is a level 7 quest.

Lord Abaron: So. Yet another acolyte stands in the shadow of our Academy. You must consider yourself privileged. Tell me alien - you creature that would be Sith - have you seen much of our civilization so far? Have you been awed by this world's power and glory?

You can reply with:
I couldn't say
Not really.

Select the last option. All you've seen is dust and tombs. Not very impressive. Abaron tells you that you have not been blinded by your masters' claims. Korriban was wrought by the true blooded Sith millennia ago - out ancestors, a crimson race of conquerors, raised the statues around us. Over the eons, however, our people mingled with slaves. Now, the red markings of true Sith are rare - and the purity of this planet is in question. You can reply:
I take that remark personally
What of other species
Meaning what?

Choose the first option. He is mingling with a former slave right now. Lord Abaron tells you this is a sad day, but you may yet be useful. True purity and strength are carried in the blood. Lord Abaron is worried that our blood is being diluted over generations. In the Emperor's name, he has come to Korriban to learn whether the Academy's overseers are Sith or not. You will be his instrument. Your possible answers are:
Yes, lord.
On whose authority
No [Refuse Quest]

Choose the second option to ask Abaron who he is to judge whether Sith are pure or inferior. He tells you that  as an agent of the Emperor and the Dark Council, he will report to the, and if necessary seek ways to restore hereditary supremacy. He possesses an ancient device - a holocron - that can read and record bloodlines. It will pulse with life near the overseers. Allow the holocron to fulfull its purpose - stand near the overseers as it attunes to their blood purity. Then return here, and he will learn the truth.

Open the mission log for details:

Lord Abaron is concerned by the growing lack of pure Sith blood among the overseers in Korriban. He gave you a scanning device to determine the purity of several overseers. Use the scanner to analyze four sith overseers: Lord Cestus, Lord Solence, Overseer Ragate, and Inquisitor Arzanon on Korriban. You will find them in and around the Sith Academy

Scan Lord Cestus
Scan Lord Solence
Scan Overseer Ragate
Scan Inquisitor Arzanon

In your inventory, under mission items, you will now find the following device:

Holocron Blood Scanner
Mission Item
Use: Reads and records the purity of a Sith's bloodline
This holocron scans a target's concentration of Sith blood

SWTOR Purity Mission

When you reach each of the overseers, target them, open your inventory, and right click on the blood scanner. Location of the four overseers are as follows:

Overseer Ragate
Overseer Ragate is located on the first floor of the Sith Academy, to the south.

Inquisitor Arzanon
Inquisitor Arzanon is located just outside the Sith Academy, near the medic.

Lord Cestus
Lord Cestus is located in the second level of the academy, to the southwest.

Lord Solence
Lord Solence is located outside to the east of the Sith Academy, near the Korriban departure shuttle.

Once you have scanned all four, return to Lord Abaron at the Sith Academy. He checks the Holocron. It glows white. So little Sith blood in all of the Academy... and only one of the overseers wears the red marks. This is shameful. He will bring this to the attention of the Dark Council, measures must be taken if the true Sith are to survive. Ask him what measures. He says he will advice purges and enslavement of those with the thinnest blood, and uplift the pure. It will be the Dark Council's decision, however. You have served well. It is too late for him to alter your training, but in the future, perhaps acolytes will kneel at the feet of the pure-blooded.

Claim your reward. This completes the mission, Purity.