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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 10: Rescue the Turian Primarch Part 4

After defending the base from the husks, it will finally be time to hunt down Victus and inform him of his promotion. Garrus will agree to lead you to Victus, as he was one of the last to fight alongside him. This next section basically consists of you following Garrus around as he and James comment on the ravaged planet looming above you. As you pass along a cliffside, Garrus will make a comment about his hometown. Shortly after, you can pick up a datapad on the ground. Keep following Garrus down the path. As you do, several Husks will jump down in front of you. Kill them and keep following Garrus.

He will lead you to several turian soldiers. You can find a med kit next to the soldiers, and the Sniper Rifle Spare Ammo 1 and a datapad to their left. As you run, a turian ship will be grounded in front of you. Keep to the left and head forward to find the turian camp under siege. You will enter the camp at its left side. A group of Marauders and Cannibals will await you. Take cover and get ready for a long battle, as more Marauders, Cannibals, and Brutes will await you inside of the camp proper.

Again, you should take a moment to consider your loadout, and that of your squad-mates, and approach this situation in a manner befitting your class. Soldiers can use grenades to flush the enemies above out of cover, which can be very helpful as the chest-high walls in that area are numerous. Biotics can also be useful for flushing the enemies out; use Singularity if you have it to raise the enemies above their cover, rendering it useless. Additionally, you can use Cryo Ammo to freeze enemies in place as they pop out to shoot you, making it easier to hit them.

Less powerful classes will want to hang back towards the entryway to the camp, where you will be able to find a good vantage point for sniping or casting Biotics. Use your squad-mates to flank the enemy, setting up a choke point at the entrance to the camp. Allow your squad-mates to take the brunt of the enemy’s fire while you carefully pick them off one by one. A Brute will soon enter the fray as well. Keep your distance unless you’re playing a Vanguard, and use your squad to help you take down the hulking enemy quickly.

However you choose to fight, you will find yourself in over your head before long. More Marauders and Cannibals will funnel into the camp, along with two massive Brutes. Again, there are numerous strategies that will work in this battle. Running into the heart of the camp can be beneficial, as you will have more room to maneuver and you will be able to find a powerful one-shot weapon here. Head to the right and grab the Reaper Blackstar from the crates behind the mesh. You will have to allow this weapon to charge before you fire it, and there is only one shot available before the ammo will be depleted. That said, if you can score a direct hit on one of the Brutes, you can kill it in one hit. After you kill the first Brute, killing the rest of the enemies will be a simple matter of either strafing around the enemies or firing out from behind cover. Just keep in mind that the Brutes can jump over cover, rendering it virtually useless against them.

Another option here is to keep your distance and use your Biotics and bullets to keep the weaker enemies at bay until their numbers are low, then head out and focus on the Brutes. In this case, you should keep a good distance between you and your enemies. Weaker classes especially should command their squads to focus fire on the Brutes to take the heat off of you. When it does finally come time for you to attack, aim for the Brute’s head, as it is weaker than the other sections of their body. Vanguards should get in close and use their Shotguns, along with close-range and distance-closing Biotics like Nova and Biotic Charge. Dodge to the side when the Brute reels back to attack.  Other classes should hang back and keep on the move frequently. Don’t get complacent behind cover, and always keep the beasts in your crosshairs. If you haven’t used the Reaper Blackstar yet, now is as good a time as any.

Once you have defeated the final wave of enemies, search the camp for several items before proceeding to your objective. You can find the Snper Rifle Enhanced Scope II mod and a med kit to the left of the arena, by the entrance and at the base of the small structure. You will be able to pick up a second med kit farther inside of the camp, again to the left. Head to the guard house on the left to find it. After picking up these items, proceed to the waypoint marker to approach Victus’ location. A cutscene will play and Victus will emerge. Shepard will inform him that he is now reigning Primarch. The information will take a moment to truly sink in. Victus is a military man, and he will be anything but confident in his diplomatic abilities. He will lament his tendency to act in an unconventional and passionate manner, much to the chagrin of his leaders. His military record, however, sports numerous victories. Reassure him that this is the type of leader you need right now and he will calm down and accompany you to the Normandy on one condition: You must seek out the Krogans and enlist their help to fend the Reapers off from Palaven before proceeding to the summit to help Earth. You will have to somehow convince the Krogans to relent their centuries-long grudge against the turians resulting from the genophage if you are to have any hope of defending Earth.