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Watch Dogs: find all 13 ctOS Tower locations


Hacking the ctOS Towers opens up plenty of extra content in Watch Dogs and awards you the Clear Signals trophy/achievement. This guide tells you where each tower is and how to hack past the gates to install the backdoor and make the game a lot easier.

You can install the backdoor on the ctOS Towers in Parker Square as soon as you start the game but it’s easier to wait until you’ve completed the Backstage Pass mission early in the game as that then highlights the locations of all the ctOS Systems on your map, which when taken down reveal the ctOS Towers in that district.

Parker Square District – 2 ctOS Towers

ctOS Tower 01
This is just a few blocks to the northeast of your first hideout. There’s a forklift in the back alley that can be hacked and take you to a catwalk and a blue life. Hack the left and cross to the roof with air con units on top. Climb the units and go down the yellow ladder. Hack the camera on the fence and use it to unlock the door. Go inside and install the backdoor.

ctOS Tower 02
This tower is to the north of the first tower on top of a hill with a dirt road leading up to it. Go through the gate and around the back you’ll find a camera. Hack it to lower the forklift which reveals a second camera. Hack this camera to unlock the door. Now go back to where you walked through the opening and climb the ladder on the other side to the ctOS and install the backdoor.

The Loop District – 3 ctOS Towers

ctOS Tower 03
Let’s call this the west tower. Head into the alley and hack a camera up on the fence to turn it around and hack another camera higher up. Unlock the gate using the box next to the billboard and switch to the camera on the wall of the building with an open garage. Using this camera unlock another gate to your right and use the blue lift near you to get to the roof. Climb up to the gates and run through them, them up on the air con units and onto the roof to install the backdoor.

ctOS Tower 04
This tower is on the south side of The Loop. When you arrive hack the camera on the corner of the building then hack the once higher above on the side of the alley. Point to the third camera that unlocks the gate then the fourth camera that is close to an unlock panel for you to hack. Now climb the blue lift and go upto scale air con and over a fence to some stairs. Go up the stairs and onto the roof and go through the gate and onto more air con units. You’ll reach a gate and the ctOS panel where you can install the backdoor.

ctOS Tower 05
This tower is on the east of the island. You get to it via an alley and when you arrive you’ll see a blue lift. ride it to the roof and there’s a camera across from the lift but you need to get closer. Get over the railing and you’re now close enough to hack it. Use the camera to unlock the door and get back to the roof and go through the gate. You can now install the final backdoor in The Loop.

Mad Mile District – 3 ctOS Towers

ctOS Tower 06
At the west end of the Mad Mile look for a busy courtyard and unlock the panel beyond the iron fence. Run through the alley and use the blue lift to go up to the balcony. From there take the yellow ladder through the gate and up a curved glass roof where you can hack a box behind you. Go up the curved roof further onto some air con units and through a gate. Go right across another curved roof and jump over a railing where some people are doing yoga (!) You can now access the ctOS tower and install the backdoor.

ctOS Tower 07
This tower is on a small island next to Parker Square. Hack the camera behind the black iron fence and unlock the gate. Go through and left and around the opposite side. You will go through an open gate and two sets of stairs. Once you’re at the top run counterclockwise until you find the yellow ladder to climb the tower, hack it and unlock the box on the wall. Now go through the gate and install the backdoor.

ctOS Tower 08
While you’re in the car hack the garage door and drive up to the third level. Get out of the car and you’ll see a yellow ladder to the west which you should climb up through the building until you can not climb any further. Clamber onto the air con units and hack the unlock panel then double back on yourself to another panel that gives remote access to the server room. Hack the laptop on the desk and unlock the gate using the panel on the wall. You can boost yourself up the ctOS Tower using the air con units and install backdoor.

The Wards District – 2 ctOS Towers

ctOS Tower 09
On the west side of the The Wards you’ll start under the train tracks where you can see the tower from the ground. On the opposite side of the street to the tower there is an unlocked gate where you can go up some stairs. Climb the ladder and through another gate where you’ll see a bunch of people hanging out. Wait for the train to go past then jump onto the tracks and go past the tower to hack the camera on the other side of the fence. Switch to the other camera on the left and aim it up to the left to blow up the panel on the wall. This unlock panel will let you through the gate and install the backdoor.

ctOS Tower 10
Go around the building and ride the blue lift to hack the camera on the light post, then another camera over your head. Hack the third camera through a door and then the unlock panel. Get on the roof and through the gate you’ve just unlocked, then climb on the air con units on your left. You can see an unlock panel below that you should hack, then go back on yourself and through the gap in the buildings to take the yellow ladder at the end of the catwalk. Go through the gate and install the backdoor in the ctOS tower.

Brandon Docks District – 3 ctOS Towers

ctOS Tower 11
At the southeast end of Brandon Docks you’ll find the tower. There’s a car here inline with a shipping container. Firstly, go around the back of the building and hack the unlock panel. Now drive into the container and crash the car through the fence. Go through the gate and climb the ladder to reach the tower and install the backdoor.

ctOS Tower 12
Head to the west end of Brandon Docks and run all the way around the building until you see the camera on the corner of another building. Hack it and unlock the gate back where you just came from. now go to the door of the building you just hacked and climb through the window, then climb the fence and get on the lift. Now just go around the building and through the gates to get to the ctOS Tower and install the backdoor.

ctOS Tower 13
Around the back of this waypoint you’ll find a camera on a concrete structure. Hack it, then hack the camera on the wall of the white building. Turn that camera to hack the unlock panel on the right. Now use the first camera to see a camera inside the building and hack it to unlock the door. Go to the blue lift and up then climb the yellow ladder and follow the gates. You are now inside the white building where you can install the backdoor in the ctOS Tower.