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Poptropica Walkthrough - Mythology Island Part 7 - Fighting Zeus

After arriving with Hercules to the gates of Mount Olympus, you find out the gates are locked. But Herc tells you not to worry, the gates are locked to puny mortals like you, but not the mighty Hercules. Hercules breaks the lock, and you can enter Mount Olympus now.

There is a green snake on the ground. You ask Hercules if that's what you think it is. He tells you that it is just a pesky snake and he will take care of it. But when he approaches to kill the snake, it turns into Medusa who tells him that he picked the wrong snake to mess with.  She turns Hercules into a stone statue.  Hercules tells you not to feel sorry for him. He got what he always wanted, a statue on Mount Olympus.

Keep going right and you will come across a blue bearded man. He tells that you can get your bags here, only one Drachma. The sign on his wagon says:

Apolus Wind Wagon
Wind Bag
ONE Drachma
Free Refill

Open your inventory, and use the Drachma you earned by cleaning graffiti at Hades' temple, to buy a bag of wind.  Use it to help propel you up the mountain.

Climb up and arrive at the big statue of Zeus. Jump onto the edge of the lightning on the statue and keep climbing up, into the clouds. When you arrive at Zeus's throne room, Zeus shows up. He calls you a foolish mortal again and asks how dare you trespass into his realm.  He says that now you and his treacherous brothers will suffer his wrath.  But you say that this won't happen, not if you can help it.  Use Hades's Crown and Poseidon's Trident. You will grow into god form, and you are now ready to fight Zeus.

Fly around on your pink cloud. Try to evade Zeus's attacks, while hitting him as much as you can. When you get hit by Zeus' lightning bolts, you lose some of the pink clouds. If you lose all of them, you fail at the battle and have to start over. There are some small pink clouds floating around, make sure to get those to replenish your pink cloud energy.

Observe the green health meter under Zeus to track your progress.

When Zeus is glowing and shooting white spheres at you, then he is invincible. When that happens, focus solely on evading his shots and do not attack him

Once you have hit him many times he says he gives up and to take your items back. He promises he will be good.

Zeus gives you the five sacred items back

Go back to Athena. She congratulates you and thanks you for saving Poptropica. Ask her what about Zeus. She says that he will have to be satisfied with ruling the heavens of Mythology Island for now.  She gives you your reward, the Mythology Island Medallion and 100 Poptropica Credits:

Island Medallion
Mythology Medallion
You have completed the Mythology Quest.