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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 62: Priority: Rannoch Part 1

When you start this mission, you will have several interactions with your party as the ship descends towards the planet’s surface. First, Legion (or the Geth VI) will reveal to you that he still contains Reaper parts in his system. Second, Tali (if she is alive) will express her joy to you at being able to set foot on her homeworld, something that many of the nomadic quarian never get to do. As you land, you will find the geth still running to the aid of the Reapers. This is because this partition of the geth army has not yet been purged of the Reaper codes, like most of them have by now (if you completed Legion’s mission earlier, anyway.)

When you land, exit the dropship and take cover. Climb the wall and take out the geth in the next area, moving forward as you do. Order your squad to take cover to one side ahead, while you take cover to the other side. You squad will distract the squad of geth ahead from the front while you can hit them from the flank, or vice versa. When this area is cleared out of enemies, head over the wall on the other side to reach a large structure of rocks. Take cover behind the large rocks, as more geth will be here to fight you. Several geth will cower behind cover on the other side of the arena, while others will take up positions closer to you. Use your Assault Rifle or SMG, and your squad, to eliminate the nearby enemies, and then switch to a Sniper Rifle to pick off those who are still covering far away.

A second wave of enemies will come rushing out from below. Snipe them as they leave the entranceway of the building, and if necessary summon Drones or Decoys to keep the pressure on them. They won’t even be able to get out of the entranceway before you and your squad have killed most, if not all of them. When all of the enemies are dead and it is safe to come out, head down to the lower left to find the SMG High-Caliber Barrel Mod behind one of the legs of the building.

Climb onto the pipes, and then walk to the end of the pipe, where you will find a raised platform on the right. Climb one of the two ladders; each one leads to a different section of the battlefield above. Head to the right if you want to split up and divert the enemy’s attention between two fragments of your squad, like you did in the previous battlefield. Head up the left ladder if you would prefer to keep your squad together.

If you go up the right-hand ladder, you can order your squad to the other side of the platform. Kill the first geth, then head over the pipe to the left. You will reach the next area, where you can take cover. Have your squad-mates provide covering fire for you while you get into cover. Catch the geth between your fire and summon a Combat Drone or Decoy to help out. You should be able to split the geth’s attention between several fronts and, in the confusion, you will easily be able to kill them all.

If you go up the left-hand ladder, use the long wall for cover for both you and your squad. Jump over when the nearest enemies are dead, and cast Singularity on the nearest cluster of enemies if they remain near each other. Follow it up with Warp for an explosion. From here, you will take heavy fire from the right side. Order your squad to either run to the far end of the platform so that you can deal with the enemies to the right, or kill the enemies on the right side while you run down to the end and deal with the enemies there. Either way, watch out for the Rocket Trooper on the catwalks above. When you get into the open, he should be one of your first targets.

After the battle is over, pick up the Assault Rifle Piercing Mod against the back wall, and then jump over the gap to the left platform. Here, you can pick up the Kassa Fabrication Gauntlets. Then, proceed to the ladder and climb up to the next level. This will lead you to the upper walkways. The path ahead will split into two different paths. One will dip down below your position, while the other will run along the pipes to the left. There are many different ways to approach the battle ahead, and while you may be able to get through using any number of the strategies laid out below, it will behoove you to find one that plays to the strengths of your chosen class, especially on a higher difficulty.

The first, and most straightforward, approach is to head down to the lower level. This will put you in direct contact with the geth soldiers down here, and as a result this strategy plays best with a strong close-range class. Sentinels and Vanguards will flourish down here. The geth will retreat behind cover as you approach them. Don’t let them get comfortable. Use powers like Singularity, Pull, and Grenade to flush them out of kill them where they cower behind their cover. Blast the remaining enemies with your Shotgun, and if that’s not enough, finish them off with a charged melee attack. When you have to take a break to reload, bring up the powers menu and have your squad cast their Biotics and Tech powers on the remaining enemies so that you’re not caught unawares while reloading. Then, while your squad’s powers recharge, dive back into the fray with the Shotgun.

Physically weaker classes, like Engineers, will want to stay to the top floor. Take cover against the fractured wall in front of you and use a Sniper Rifle or scoped SMG to rain bullets down upon the geth below you. Position one of your squad-mates, at the least, to your back, so that if any enemies attempt to sneak up behind you, you will at least be warned. Keep the other squad-mate by your side at the wall and have them help you kill enemies, or hold them still using Biotics while you snipe them.

There will be a pesky geth Rocket Trooper towards the back of the enemy lines, and if you find yourself in a hurry to take it out, you can get onto the pipes on the side and sprint across them to reach the other side of the arena quickly. From here, you can line up a shot on the Rocket Trooper with ease. Take him out, and then order your squad forward from the other side. In this third strategy, you will be able to catch the enemies in a vice between you and your squad. This only works well if you are well-equipped enough to handle yourself, so this tactic is best left to Soldiers, or Infiltrators because they can cloak themselves and hide when the going gets tough.

Be sure to pick up the SMG Ultralight Materials Mod to the left side of the back of the arena, and to salvage the Reaper Tech to the right.