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Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 61: Admiral Koris

This is the mission that you will have received if you chose to go with the Admiral’s plan instead of or in addition to Legion’s. You will have to go to Rannoch and rescue an Admiral, named Koris. You will lose communications signal as you descend to the surface of the planet. You will have to take out the AA guns on the surface of the planet so that your ships can take down the jamming tower, thus resuming the communications and allowing you to seek out Koris.

Run down the twisting path ahead. At the end of the path, you with find a geth Trooper with its back to you. Take it out quickly, then attack the other geth in the area. A Geth Pyro will approach you with a flamethrower. Use Tech and Shockwave to knock it back and weaken it for an easy kill. Use similar tactics to clear out the rest of the opposition in the camp. Head towards the small fire to find Wreckage that you can salvage. Follow the path just past the campfires to find the Javelin Sniper Rifle. Along the way, watch out for Proximity Mines and may still be scattered about if they didn’t explode during the battle.

You will find another group of geth below the ridge that you’ll be standing on down the path. Take out the Sniper Rifle you just picked up and go to work. Taking cover on the small rocks at the cliff’s edge, cast Tactical Cloak or Adrenaline if you have them and wait for both geth Troopers to come to a stop by the fire. Take them out in quick succession. When more geth begin to funnel out, send your squad out ahead of you to disctract them while you snipe. Add an effect to your ammo, such as Incendiary or Warp, to make it even more powerful.

Once this camp is cleared, continue through it. You will soon reach the AA gun’s control center. It will be infested with geth guards. The first will have their backs to you. Take one or two of them out and take cover by the entrance to the station. From here, you can either run to the left, where you will be thrust into a direct confrontation with the enemies, or to the right, where you will have the opportunity to flank around your enemies. If you go to the left, equip a Shotgun or Assault Rifle and use powers like Nova, Singularity, Shockwave, Grenade, Tactical Cloak, and Biotic Charge to cause big damage and create confusion, which you can use to move swiftly from cover to cover blasting enemies with your Shotgun or Rifle. If you decide to go to the right, you can take cover towards the back and pick off the enemies with the element of surprise.

Once the area has been cleared, take a moment to seek out the Geth Technology to the left, and the Geth Spitfire next to the computer. Activate the AA console to the right and assign one of your squad-mates to work the console while you defend them. Head back to the left to head off the enemy’s counterattack. Take cover and wait for the Geth Prime to come within range. Use the Spitfire to make quick work of him. You will be able to wipe out the rest of the enemies following the Geth Prime pretty quickly afterwards. Pick up the Assault Rifle Magazine Mod from the left of the path ahead, along with a Med Kit. As you continue down the path, keep looking to the left to find a Shotgun Shredder Mod and, on the right, across from it, more Geth Parts for you to salvage.

You will also find an injured quarian named Dorn’Hazt. Speak with him and he will tell you that he tried to send out a call for help, but got injured. You can offer to help him for Paragon points. Either way, pick up the SMG Magazine Upgrade Mod by his feet and keep following the path and you will soon reach the AA guns themselves. You can go either to the right, or to the left. Either way, you’ll end up having to clear out both sides, which will be virtually identical in terms of layout. On both sides, you will have to contend with a turret. If you go to the open side of the area, you will be caught in the turret’s fire. For this reason, no matter which way you choose to go, it is better to stick to the inside of the area and fire upon the turrets from the relative safety of the cover here.

Command your squad to stay put towards the back of the area. If you can, use Combat Drones and Decoys to distract the enemies. Charge down the more enclosed side of the arena (if you’re going to the right first, stay to the right to reach the turret easier; if you went to the left first, stay to the mid-right) and you will soon be able to reach the side and back of the turret. Take out the turret operator while he focuses on your squad towards the back of the area. From here, you should be able to easily catch the squad in a pincer attack, killing them from both sides. Repeat a similar strategy to kill the enemies on the opposite side of the area.

You will again have to choose a squad member to hack the AA guns while you fend off approaching enemies. If your approach last time worked well enough, go ahead and use that same tactic. Otherwise, consider changing it up and asking your other squad-mate to shoulder the task. This will be a short battle. As the enemies funnel it, don’t neglect to examine the console to the left, where you will find data on the jamming tower. Allied ships will swoop in and destroy the tower, opening up comms so that you can find Koris. Koris will radio you when you get into the shuttle. You can either tell him that you’ll be there to help, or tell him to simply hold out. Koris will prioritize the lives of his men over his own life, however, so if you want to save him you’ll have to convince him of his importance to the galaxy. If you do save him, you will have to mow down a few enemies with the turret on your ship before saving him. This will end the mission and return you to the Normandy.