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Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 26 – Warrior's Roost, South Velanik Port, Fendel Borderlands

Tales of Graces F Walkthrough Part 26 – Warrior's Roost, South Velanik Port, Fendel Borderlands

Just before you board the Ship, be sure to trigger the skit, “Piercing Glances”. Once you get to there, you will receive “Spy's Letter”. First through, head to the right. Along the edge of the pier is a Sparkling Point with Daphne Seeds. Just to its right is a chest with a bottle of Red Wine. Now head to the north. Across from the chest is a cat that would like some fish. Be sure to investigate the Flame nearby the cat for the “Annals of Victory” discovery and the skit, “Knight Moves”.

Head over to the West, to the Save Point. There you can trigger the skit, “Observing the Observer”. Head up to the chest in the “Inn” to receive Magic Carta Card #35.

Warrior's Roost Requests
Pointy Fang x3 – Reward: Freeze Charm, 170 SP
    Enemy Drop and Found in Chests

Beef with Red Wine Sauce x2 – 700 gald, 350 SP
    Dualize: Red Wine + Beef

Overgrown Crystal – Hot-Blooded Scarf, 560 SP
    Dualize: Anonymous Seed + Torn Page

Red Scarf – Battle Sword, 790 SP
    Can Be Bought from Turtlez Shop by Receptionist

Daily Medicine – Reward: 3880 gald, 1940 SP
    Steal: From Combatant on Floor 10 of Riot Peak

Head up the stairs to the top. Here, take a moment to go to the top right corner and get at the password chest. The password is “Riot Peak”. It contains the “Book of Metabolism”, which doubles the duration of cooked food in battle. Now head left to the center of this area and talk with the Receptionist.

Riot Peak
The first 4 battles are just against regular enemies. It is easy to plow through them. The fifth battle lets you change up your team and heal. After that, it is into battle. You are against 1 Captain and 2 Dragoons. Use Human Attribute attacks

After the battle Hubert will receive the “The Youngest Lieutenant” title. Head back down the stairs and head to the West, to the Save Point. There you can access the skit, “En Guardian”. Now head to the East to find your Guide to South Velanik Port

South Velanik Port
Head just a little to the left to get at the nearby Save Point. Now start to the East. Go into the House. There, open the chest to find 2 Crabs. After that, continue to the East.

Fendel Borderlands
Just above the entrance is a Save Point. Head to the East and open the first chest for a piece of Fancy Fur. Keep an eye on the ground nearby where the fence starts for a Sparkling Point. When you spot a tree to the North, investigate it for the “Peach Tree” Discovery, 3 Peaches and the skit, “Just Peachy”. Continue to the East. When the path splits, first head to the south. Directly off the path you will find a chest with an Anonymous Seed. Farther along that course is a second chest on the eastern side with a Seascale Crystal. Follow the path along to find a Save Point and a curious Turtlez Merchant who will help you for 1,000 gald to get across the Border and quickly back to North Lhant Road.

Now is a good time to start to the North along that path. As you start up it, there will be a quick cutscene where Pascal reveals she knows something of the origin of the crater. Now keep going to the North. Keep along the Western Wall and loop down it to reach a chest with 2520 gald. Nearby it is potentially a Sparkling Point. Keep going to the North and continue to keep an eye on the Western part of the trail. There is a second chest with a Green Ribbon inside it.

When you reach the outskirts of the deserted town you will find a Save Point. From there, just head a little farther North to enter into Forsaken Tundra, Velanik.