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Silent Hill Downpour Walkthrough Part 36: X-Ray Machine Puzzle Solution

Still in the recreational area, in the monastery orphanage on the 2nd floor, just in front of the TV set, pick up a toy van. This toy truck, a Silent Hill artifact, looks just like Pat Napier's van. Go west to the second area, then hop over the counter to reach the kitchen. The building trembles. Exit the kitchen from the door to the North. A Screamer shows up. Kill her, and go through the opening in the wall. Open the door and enter the surgery room. Exit back to the hall, go north and then E, and open another door to the north to enter Dr. Chloe Zane's Office. In a desk there, find another St. Maria's Institute Psychological Evaluation recommending they perform a full frontal lobotomy on the patient. There is also a first aid kit in the drawer.

On the bottom of these memos you may have noticed a quote in latin: "Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi". If you are curious what this means, it translates to "Lamb of God, you who take away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us"

Exit the office and go west, entering another section of the surgery unit. There are three hospital beds in here, each of them has a screamer lying on it.

There is a mystery item in the SouthEast corner of the room. This is an Internal Memo from Roberta Bloch, Director of Operations, saying that the western courtyard door is currently locked because some paper-eating neurotic brat swallowed the key. This is a hint that the key is inside one of those Screamers.

To the Northeast, there is an XRAY Machine. This is a PUZZLE

Screamer Corpse / X Ray Machine Puzzle Solution
Don't search the Screamers yet. Doing so, will trigger a combat scene in which you have to defeat the Screamer before proceeding. Instead, you need to first determine which of the Screamers have foreign objects inside their body. For that, you will have to use the X-Ray machine to x-ray each of the Screamers for hidden items.

Push each of the gurneys into the Xray machine, then use the machine to scan the body. Then look at the X-Ray test results for any hidden objects.

Silent Hill Downpour X Rays Puzzle Solution

On one of the Screamers you will see some foreign objects when examining the X-Ray screen. Refer to the image above, which shows you how that particular X-Ray will look like. After X-Raying that Screamer, search its body for the key. You will put your hand into its body, attempting to extract the key. Strong vibration of your controller indicates the presence of a nearby hidden object. Also note how the Screamer is behaving. The more agitated it is, the closer you are to the object. Watch the on screen prompts and feel the vibrations and grab the object once you have reached it. If you are playing without vibrate, pull the object as soon as the Screamer starts screaming loudly.

You receive a key, and also:

Poem Fragment 3
Take heed, it's not too late
Mistakes needn't haunt you forever
Though you have regret, you can't just forget
You alone decide your fate.

You receive the following trophy/achievement:

Ashes, Ashes
Collected 3 pages of the Rhyme Book

You have found the rest of the rhyme, and you wonder if the kid will let you through the door now.

Leave the surgical room. Turn on your UV flashlight and notice drag marks leading to the stairs. Follow them, as you climb down back to the first floor.