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Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Walkthrough: Lights Out Part 6: Hospital Escape

Climb down the rubble to the lower floor. Head to the back of the corridor to find the door to the next area. As you approach the door, a hunter will burst through and attack you. These enemies have thick, armored skin and can take tons of punishment as a result. They can also be quite agile when the situation calls for it. If you are playing by yourself, it might be faster to lure the hunter into attacking you as you stand in front of the large flames and skirt the room. When the hunter lunges at you, dive out of the way and it will enter the flames, catching itself on fire and dealing heavy damage over time. If you are playing with teammates, take turns distracting the hunter while the others fire upon it.

After the hunter falls over dead, you will need to refill your ammo. Luckily, there will be a pile of ammo near the other side of the door. Pick it up and continue through the burning hospital. This path will naturally lead you right through the morgue. As you enter the morgue, you will want to spend some time shooting down the trip mines from the walls before you proceed. Take out your Pistol and hit the mines to detonate them prematurely. Feel free to head through the morgue after you have cleared out all of the obstacles. Unfortunately, a hunter will emerge from the back corner and attack you. There will be another set of trip mines that you haven’t been able to reach yet right by the corner where the hunter charges from. Let it run right through the vertical lasers to detonate the mines. This will damage the hunter heavily. From here, you can unload on it and watch it keel over dead a few seconds later.  Restock on ammo by the doors, then grab the piece of Intel from the crate by the door.

Exit through the door and search the next room for three security cameras. There will be one on the upper portion of the wall directly ahead of you. Another Security Camera will be on the wall to the side. The final camera will be around the corner, in the parking lot. Search the parking lot area to find more ammo and two First Aid Spray canisters next to the wreckage of the ambulance towards the back of the area. Head to the door marked “Barry’s Tavern” to continue the mission. Proceed through the door and search the rubble of the tavern for a Green Herb and, if you want it, a Bolt-Action Rifle.