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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 18 – Day 7, Part 3 – The Black Narwhal, North Pacific

Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 18 – Day 7, Part 3 – The Black Narwhal, North Pacific

White Steel Spiders
These are surprisingly difficulty no matter what you are running. Remember though to focus only on a single spider at a time. Set into the nearest spider and start crippling the armor. Do not slice through a leg until they are all vulnerable to being cut off. If given the prompt for it, ignore it and enjoy the invulnerability. The reason being as soon as one leg is lost then it will start emitting an electrical field that makes it much harder to approach it and get through to the remaining legs. If one is removed then adapt with a hit and run strategy. The legs are quite weak, taking less than a 8 swings to get through. Just remember that each leg will explode once it has been severed

Once again, watch both tanks for incoming missiles. Count on gunfire being very constant. This lets up very slightly when one tank is removed. Press your attack when you can but keep to hit and run largely.

Boss 2: LOA Chairman: Walker Form
Move quickly to either side to avoid the first wave of attacks that come straight at Ryu. Close into either side of the walker. If it is using the Flamethrower, then to the right. If it is generating an electrical on the ground, left. For the walker's left hand (Flamethrower), wait until it is unleashing its flame. Close in on the hand and slash into it. When the Walker reels back, close the distance and cut it some more.

For its right (Electrical Field), a slightly different strategy is required. Keep a ways off from the walker. Wait for it to generate the pair of fields then close in quickly and get in a few attacks. Fall back immediately when the fist is raised.

More than anything for this fight, keep close to the walker. It will cut down on the damage you will receive from all the missiles it is launching. Once the weapons have been destroyed, slide forward, underneath the walker. Time for a game change

Boss 3: LOA Chairman: Jet Form
Start moving as he will start into a bombing run immediately. Keep an eye out for orange circles to notice just where the bombs are going to land. Stand and start shooting arrows at it. Keep it to a pair or less. More than anything, do not let Ryu get trapped on any of the edges of the arena. This quickly leads to a lot of damage being inflicted. Try to keep to the center to ensure that Ryu has the maximum amount of room to dodge around his opponent. When it starts to launch its laser attack, look below it. You will see a faint outline of the attack to come. Line up with one of the gaps and keep with it through the numerous oncoming attacks. Just take a single step between attacks to avoid getting hit by the lasers.

When the Chairman crashes you need to wait a moment while it reconfigures. It will now be charging at Ryu with a high voltage charge between its two wheels. Keep sliding away from it to avoid all the damage it can easily inflict with this. After each dodge, use the bow to hit its wheel quickly. After a number of arrows it will go down.

This time when the Walker collapses you want to slide straight in, toward the head. Press forward and follow the prompt to slice through the belly of it. After that, approach the chairman and put an end to him.