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The Witcher 2 Walkthrough Part 49: Conspiracy Theory

The last walkthrough, Enter the Dragon, covered the very end of the game. In order to get up to that point, however, we were assuming that you sided with Iorveth by giving him his sword in the end of Act 1. If you sided with Roche, things would have played out very differently and you would have received a different set of missions. This guide from now onwards will cover the game with Roche as your ally, including all of the missions that come exclusively with him. Any quests or areas that remain unchanged no matter who you have on your side will be noted in the guide. The first quest that will appear in your log after you beat Act 1 is called Prelude to War: Kaedwen. This quest will play out in largely the same way no matter who you have at your side. You will take on the role of King Henselt and fight off an enemy army alongside Sile and Dethmold. If you need help with this quest, refer to the previous guide, as the events will be basically unchanged if you have Roche instead of Iorveth.

After beating the Prelude to War quest, you will be let loose in Aedirn. The first quest you will receive here will be Conspiracy Theory. This mission, unlike the last one, is exclusive to Roche. Dethmold will begin this mission by informing you that he would like to meet with you in Henselt’s royal tent. He will have information on a group who may be attempting to kill the King, and he wishes you to help him stop them. Head right across the camp to find Dethmold’s tent. Enter the tent and Dethmold will begin to speak with you. This conversation will trigger a group of main quests to add themselves into your Journal, including The Eternal Battle, The Blood Curse, and Courage Symbolized. Don’t worry about any of them for now, though, as you will have a ways to go yet before you will be tackling most of these quests.

On the specifics of your quest, Dethmold will be vague. He will merely inform you that there are those amongst the King’s soldiers who are almost certainly leaking information and otherwise attempting to sabotage the King’s operations, and that these unsavory elements of the army must not be allowed to operate anymore. Dethmold will tell you that the conspirators will be marked by the coins that they carry. They have been using these coins as a method of communicating and confirming their loyalty to the rebellion. The coins will be square in shape, and they will have an engraving of a fish on them. If you have encountered these coins before, as you may well have, you can tell Dethmold about it and he will expand upon the curse that hangs over the island, which you will need to remove by the end of the Act.

You will now be free to question the soldiers in the camp about the coins. You can speak with almost any of them, but only two of them will actually advance the story. One of them can be found in the tent towards the middle left-hand side of the camp, right after the circular risen area. The other one is found just past this tent, at the very end of the camp and on the left side. The first one, in the tent, will give you a side quest involving talking to the various drunkards hanging about the camp. The second man’s conversation will lead to a side quest involving an argument between a father and a son called The Butcher of Cidaris. You will have to complete one, or both of, these quests in order to proceed with the Conspiracy Theory quest, so pick which one you want to do and refer to the guides ahead for more advice.