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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 17 – Day 7, Part 2 – The Black Narwhal, North Pacific

Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 17 – Day 7, Part 2 – The Black Narwhal, North Pacific

After Ryu saves at the Falcon, Glide away to the next ship. Here he will immediately attack one of the turrents. Slice through it then turn to the soldiers that are attacking Ryu. Keep on the same side as the turret you just destroyed to limit the incoming damage from the opposite anti-aircraft gun.

Turn to the left and head down the stairs. As Ryu reaches the bottom, another squad of soldiers will attack him. Stay out of alignment with the coming hallway as there is likely a soldier there with a Rocket Launcher just waiting for Ryu. After that group is down and Ryu is going through the corridor, then he will face more enemies, likely Assassins.

On the other end awaits something closer to a platoon of soldiers to fight Ryu. If it is not soldiers, then fiends. Freely use the Ultimate Technique and Ninpo, whenever they are available to ease up the difficulty on this fight. Be sure to jump and deal with any Rocket Launcher style soldiers the moment you notice any rogue explosions.

Once the soldiers are down, charge the turrets and slice through them. Now dash for the wall and attempt to climb up. Alchemists will attack Ryu. First 2, then potentially 5. Defeat them and climb the wall.

AT the top simply head forward. As Ryu passes through the hold, he is ambushed by Ghost Soldiers. Kill the one who immediately attacks you then deal with the rest. Remember to use projectiles to deal with them quickly.

Head up the stairs to the next group of soldiers. They are supported by Jetpackers, so start jumping and shooting those immediately. Destroy all of them then head to the bow of the ship and slice through the 2 turrets there. Now go between the turrets and climb up the wall. On the first landing you will find a Falcon to save at. Do so then finish the climb up. There is another turret waiting up there to be dealt with. Slice through it and get ready to deal with a Helicopter

A more cinematic approach is taken here so get ready to jump and slice into the cockpit. After that Ryu needs to take out the turret nearby him. After that he will glide over to the next ship. There he will slice into an Anti-aircraft Gun then land. Head to the right, down that stairs after that. Head to the left and follow those stairs down as well. Go into the nearby corridor where he can easily approach the next Anti-aircraft Gun. The problem is that LOA decides to blow up the ship that Ryu is on. Jump and start climbing up the ship as it sinks. Evade the turret and piece of debris that will fall at you. Once he makes it to the top of the climb, start immediately to the left. Bird Flip up the corridor and go forward to the rope and climb across it. Jump off it and start heading forward. Again, Bird Flip all way the way and break to the right. Jump immediately and start shooting Arrows as Ryu will be attacked by a Helicopter. Keep jumping and shooting until it goes down. After that head over to the steel wall opposite where Ryu entered. Start climbing up but half way there it will get blasted. Catch yourself and dodge the piece of sharpnel coming at you.

At the top a Falcon waiting for you. Save, heal and move on. Glide onto the Black Narwhal and it is time to take on some competition in the form of sequential bosses.