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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 21 – Day 8, Part 2 – Tokyo, Japan

Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 21 – Day 8, Part 2 – Tokyo, Japan

Head down the path in front of Ryu. Just as Ryu reaches the restaurant and a cutscene runs with the famed Muramasa. While in the car Ryu will need to shoot down numerous Jetpack Soldiers. She will start to call out directions. Think of them from her perspective (so reverse Left and right). After the second tunnel then get ready for things to get a bit more challenging. There will be a pair of helicopters that will come at you. Another couple sets of Jetpackers than another pair of Helicopters will appear. All you need to do is destroy one. A tunnel will come up quickly and take out the second. On the other side of this one then Ryu will need to start shooting at trucks. Keep firing at them until the lock vanishes. Lock onto each in turn and keep it going.

This sequence follows with a jump to get everyone out of the jeep safely. On the other side you have some aid from Mizuki as the curse flares up again. Wave through the cars and reunite with Cliff.

Slide immediately to either the left or right. Watch out for his hands glowing bright white. When they do this, be sure to move away from him immediately as he is about to launch a grab attack. Keep pressing the attack as much as possible for this first round until a cinematic occurs and Ryu slices off an arm. Watch the ground around Cliff if he hunkers down. If it begins to glow, back away from it, then it will explode.

Round 2
Things get more challenging now. Cliff will use combos more now in addition to his explosion. Any time immediately after the explosion, you want to close in and attack. Cliff is recovering and very vulnerable after the blast. There are smaller openings at the end of each of his combos. After you slice through 2 sets of arms, the battle progresses to the next phase.

Round 3
Flying, why does it always end with flying? Immediately pull out the bow and shoot at Cliff. This costs Ryu the bow. Time to get him down to ground level through alternative means. He will summon a number of Fiends to attack Ryu. Slice through them quickly but be mindful of Cliff's attacks. Build up to the Ulitmate Technique and unleash it to slice through Cliff's arms. The fiends seem to disappear when you use it so they are not a concern at the moment. Press forward when he lands and cut away until he starts blocking. Back away at that point and wait for him to take to the air again. Repeat what you just did, slaughtering the Fiends to get at Cliff's arms. Repeat this to the next cinematic and it is time to say hello to another character.

After all of that, start moving forward and to the left. Break right and approach the closer pile of rubble on the right. There will be a Falcon waiting there for Ryu to use and heal up. Head on down the road and more fiends will attack Ryu and Theodore. Press the attack and use Ninpo or the Ultimate Technique as soon as possible. There are a lot of them. Head up the ramp toward the roof as soon as you wipe out the ones on the ground level. There is another mass of them waiting at the top. Defeat then and continue up onto the blue tarp nearby. Another group of fiends await there. Kill them then continue up the broken highway to the left. Glide from there over to the rooftop.

On this rooftop you have another mass of Fiends to kill off. Defeat them then Bird Flip up the narrow wall to the next part of the rooftop. Here you have another mass of fiends with a Magna Persona Fiend as well. Just kill the fiends until Ryu's arm starts to hurt. Theo will heal it up and let you continue on with the beatings. Go through them all until the helicopter crashes down. This will create a bridge over to the next part of the area.