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Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 20 – Day 8, Part 1 – Tokyo, Japan

Ninja Gaiden 3 Walkthrough Part 20 – Day 8, Part 1 – Tokyo, Japan

As Ryu glides in, slash through the helicopter then it is time to face a weaker Steel Spider. Remember, weaken the legs then take them all out at once for the quickest results. After the Spider is down, start immediately down the street. You will be attacked by a squad of soldiers or Assassins. Farther down the street there are more soldiers, with rocket launchers.

At the base of the stairs you have a few waves of enemies to tear through. Once they are dead, head up the stairs and go to the left. As Ryu crosses, soldiers will attack him. Jump and use a Strong attack when prompted to deal with the first Cluster Bomb soldier. Immediately after use the Bow to lock on to the second one and blast him away as well.

After that pair, head forward and to the right. As Ryu approaches the next overpass, more soldiers and assassins will attack him. Defeat them and continue on down the road. A helicopter will get crystallized and Ryu needs to slide forward underneath it. Just on the other side is a horde of fiends that must be defeated. Try to a Ninpo attack to wipe them out quickly but multiple Ultimate Techniques work just as well. After the first wave, the curse will act up, slowing Ryu down. Focus on attacking the remaining Fiends. Keep going until a cinematic kicks in with Momiji and Ryu's father appearing.

After the cutscene, continue moving forward and slide underneath the debris. On the other side a squad of soldiers awaits Ryu. Defeat them and approach the nearby wall. A number of Alchemists will appear and attack. Remember, more than anything, just focus on one at a time. Building either the Ultimate Technique or a Ninpo and wait for the second wave. Use Ninpo then unleash the Ulimate Technique on the survivors.

With all of them dead, approach the wall. To the left is a Falcon to save. Now scale on up. A brief cutscene later and you are jumping again. As Ryu lands on the Spider, use a Strong attack to slice through it. After its defeat come more Alchemists after Ryu. Kill them off quickly to build up Ninpo. Save it a moment for the soldiers who come after the Alchemists. Unleash it to quickly move to the second wave. Press forward and to the right after that wave to find a place to Bird Flip upwards.

At the top of the building Ryu wants to go right and around the corner to the left. Immediately jump and start shooting arrows as there are 4 Jetpackers waiting for Ryu there. Defeat them then jump again and quickly destroy the helicopter that has appeared with a strong attack.

When Ryu is back on the ground he is attacked by Bioweapons. A number of Homunculi come at him. Kill them slowly as a few of them will resurrect as Megaslions. Use the surrounding Homunculi to get a string of Steel on Bone going to simply cut through the Megaslions. If you gain access to either the Ultimate Technique or Ninpo, use it quickly.

After all that, head down the street. Toward the end of it Ryu will encounter more Homunculi and some Ourboros in addition to Megaslions. Wipe them out then head down the road to the right. There you will encounter more Homunculi that transform into Megaslions.

After their deaths then head down the path revealed by the exploded car. Just beyond that is a Falcon to save your progress.